2012年8月23日 星期四

First Date Disaster - 6 Disastrous Mistakes To Avoid When Meeting A Man For The First Time

Have you ever experienced a first date disaster that was bad enough that there was no second date? Do you wonder what things can trigger a disastrous first date? Do you find yourself walking on eggshells trying to avoid saying or doing the wrong things? If you're worried that a first date with you is a first date disaster just waiting to happen, here's what to be wary of.

#1 - Worrying

For starters, if you worry every time a new guy asks you out, you're asking for trouble. You need to relax and enjoy yourself and once you know what has been creating problems for you in the past, you'll know how to avoid them in the future. Wouldn't it be nice if a first date disaster became a first date dream come true? Play your cards right and it can happen for you too.

It's hard to know what to talk about on a first date because you don't really know each other very well. So maybe your strategy should be to avoid certain topics. And if you think about it, avoiding topics like this makes a lot of sense.

#2 - Telling Him Your Dating History

Your dating history- Not only is it rude and potentially embarrassing to talk about guys you've dated and things you've done on a date, it can make your date feel like he has something to live up to or stay away from. It's like trying to navigate your way through a landmine. There is never a good ending to something like this and if you've done it in the past, then you shouldn't be surprised when he didn't call you again.

#3 - Badmouthing Your Ex

This one is right up there with discussing your dating history. No guy wants to hear all kinds of talk either good or bad, about a former boyfriend. If you're talking about your ex, then you're sure not thinking about the guy you're on a date with.

#4 - Talking About Commitment

Talking about serious relationships or settling down is never a good topic of conversation for a first date. Save it for a later time if you are still dating. If you start talking commitment on a first date, you're likely to scare him off.

#5 - Jumping To Conclusions

Just because he's asked you out, don't assume that he thinks you're going to be joined at the hip from now on. Give a guy a chance to get to know your likes and dislikes before you plan his wardrobe and the rest of his life.

#6 - Monopolizing The Conversation

It's okay to talk about yourself, but just remember that it takes two to have a conversation. One is only a monologue. If you show no interest in him except as someone to listen to what you're saying, you're giving him the distinct impression that you think you're a lot more important than he is.

First dates shouldn't be stressful. After all, they're meant to be fun. Now that you know what topics of conversation to avoid, you can avoid that first date disaster.

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Evangeline Harris is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

