2012年10月26日 星期五

Rules on Dating - Doing It Right

With the constant changes that touch our society are you wondering what dating rules you should follow? Have you seen a variety of dating rules that just don't seem to make sense? Would you like to know what dating rules could really benefit you and get you into a solid relationship?

Part of the problem with certain sets of dating rules is that they don't take into consideration the vast differences in women. What might work like a charm for one woman can feel awkward and unnatural for another. The following rules aren't set in concrete, so take them into consideration, but alter them just enough to work into your personal lifestyle.

Kissing on the First Date

Let's face it, women are doing a whole lot more than just kissing on the first date. Many women will go all out and give a guy - a guy they barely know - all that they have. These are often women who refuse to be prim and proper and they believe that hooking a man with sex is the best and only way to go.

Ignoring the fact that many men will make a quick judgment based on this - which is bad enough - let's look at the other negative aspect of this sort of move.

Those first dates are sizzling with anticipation. Passion churns and burns and reaches epic proportions as you slowly make your way to that hopeful eventuality. He's working to get closer to you. With each date you have, you're eager to touch him more and more.

This is literally the most exciting time in a couple. All that angst and uncertainty. Why would you want to kill all that by jumping into bed with him the very first night?

The Calling Game

Sure your mother's advice never to call a man is outdated. Women are calling men all the time and men accept that as a normal function of the dating process. The problem, however, is when women take it upon themselves to make a series of harassing calls.

Unless you have something specific to talk to him about, or he has given you explicit permission to do so, don't call him repeatedly. Calling him at work at noon to ask what he's having for lunch, then calling just before five to see what he's doing after work, then calling him at home again to see how his dinner was can quickly spell trouble in his eyes.

Be reasonable, not annoying.

Paying Up

This can be very touchy. Some men will insist on footing the bill, while others insist the woman pay her own way. Whether it's their way of throwing feminism back in our face or it's simply their way of protecting their own finances from the woman who'll take advantage of him, you need to respect his choice and not make a fuss.

It is rather hypocritical to say we want to be treated equally then turn around and insist a guy pay our way when we can very well take care of it ourselves.

If you're the type who is independent, don't be insulted if he offers to pay for you and please don't spew out a feminist rant. Politely decline all while letting him know you appreciate the gesture. Remember, he's not trying to be chauvinistic; he's just trying to be nice and gallant.

Dating rules should make your dates fun and bring you to a healthy relationship.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

