2012年9月23日 星期日

Make Him Fall in Love - Adapt Some Ideas From the Past and Make Them Work Today

Can you use some past dating ideas to make your man fall in love? Do you want to gently move him along to feel what you are already feeling for him? Should you continue to stick around even though it seems as though your relationship isn't moving forward? Don't give up just yet; you might be really close to making your man fall in love.

Although the old time dating rules might seem outdated at first glance, they actually are right on in satisfying the needs of the modern man. In the olden days, men chose the women, asked them out on dates, and were the pursuers. They were sure of themselves and what they needed to do because there was only one way to date.

The methods have changed; however, men's needs certainly have not. Women have made huge strides in the work and dating worlds, but the fact remains that men still like to feel in control of their relationships. You have a much better chance of making a man fall in love if you learn how to be a modern woman, but still satisfy your man's needs to be the "man".

Here are a few simple rules to get you going.

First, take care of your appearance. You want to look good so that you get that guy's attention and keep him interested.

Second, wait until he pops the question for the first date. Do not jump the gun on him and do the asking. This is emasculating and he might choose not to stick around.

Next, keep those first dates fun and easy-going. No heavy duty revelations are necessary; just make the night enjoyable so that he wants to keep coming back for more.

Let him set the pace of the relationship. Once again, he definitely needs to feel in control of the process, so just let him take the lead. His pace will be slower than yours, but accept it and make the best of it.

Next, reassure his possible insecurities. He wants to know that he is good enough for you and that he satisfies your needs. This hasn't changed much at all from the olden days, has it?

Finally, give him time and space to figure things out. He knows that he is developing strong, deep feelings for you, but he might not be quite ready for commitment. Don't even bring it up; just let him know that you intend to stick around.

Making him fall in love comes down to understanding his needs and satisfying them the best you can. He will realize the contributions you are making and will soon be professing his love for you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

