2012年11月20日 星期二

Is it Really Love? How to Tell If He Truly Loves You

Does he truly love you or is it just a fling to him? Has he told you he loves you but you're not sure if he means it? Do you want to avoid getting your heart broken by a guy who's just telling you what you want to hear? There are a few ways to see if he truly loves you or whether he's just saying so to keep you off his back. See where you stand with these three relationship tests.

Does He Pay Attention To You?

You're probably spending a lot of time with your guy at this stage of your relationship. Have a look at how he behaves during your time together. Do your activities all focus on him and his interests? Is he always talking about himself, his job, his friends, his plans? If so, that's not good. Maybe he hasn't realized that it's all a bit one sided. Make a point of telling him what's going on with you and see how he reacts. Is he genuinely interested or not even listening?

Does He Support You Emotionally?

If he's not paying attention to you, he's probably not supporting you emotionally either. If you've had a terrible day or heard some bad news, pour your heart out to him and again, see how he reacts. If he brushes your problems off and changes the subject, you're in trouble here, it's unlikely that he truly loves you. If he stops what he's doing to show sympathy, understanding and tries to find a solution, this guy does care about you.

Does He Play The Field?

If he's still dating other girls, it's not necessarily the end of the world. A lot of guys are reluctant to date one girl exclusively especially if they've not done it before. Some guys have the mindset that they have the right to spread themselves around. It will take true love to break that habit, and the realization that he is hurting you by continuing to play the field. If he's not interested in dating you exclusively you might need to face up to the fact that he's not looking for the same level of commitment as you.

How did you fare in that test? You should now have an idea of whether or not he truly loves you and what you need to do next. If you believe he truly loves you then talk to him about taking your relationship to the next level. If it seems that he doesn't truly love you, maybe you should move on. There are plenty of guys out there longing for a loving girlfriend like you.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

