2012年12月1日 星期六

Falling in Love - Getting Him to Feel the Same For You

Is this new guy in your life really great and you know you're falling in love with him? Have you been trying to decipher his various signals to know how he really feels about you? Does it seem to be a big yes one day, then the next he's aloof and leaving you wondering, what's up? Men can sometimes be vague when it comes to showing their emotions. They are also slower in realizing the emotions they truly feel. But there are ways of finding out what they are feeling for you.

Hot Sex, Dull Dates

If you guys hooked up and made a beeline for the bedroom, you may have taken a wrong turn right from the get go. Relationships that are founded on a strong sexual attraction rarely manage to find strength elsewhere in the relationship. When all of your dates are centered on getting into bed, no matter how hot the sex is, it will not make for a strong bond in the long run.

What is it like when you guys go out? Is he bored and agitated? Do you guys have nothing to really talk about? Does he just constantly fondle and grope without paying attention to a single thing you say? If the answer is yes, this guy may just be looking for an easy and fun girl to take to bed, that's all.

So try to show him that you're more than just a hot body. Make him laugh and clue him in on the various adventures he can have with you. Take him dancing to your favorite night spot, or invite him to a great day at the park. If you let him see the smart and fun side of you, you'll be giving him so much more to fall in love with.

Think of how you'd like to feel when you leave a man at the end of a date. You want him to compliment you and make you feel good. He should laugh at your jokes and show his interest in what you say. You like it when he's fun and exciting and you just love the way you feel when you're around him. Well, to a large extent, he wants to leave the date feeling the same way. He wants to be excited with the prospect of seeing you again.

So, win his love by being the fun girl he'll want to be with all the time. Find little ways to make him feel good about the man that he is and about the relationship that you're building. Falling in love doesn't have to be hard, and if you follow your heart and treat him with the respect and admiration you'd like to be treated, it'll be like breathing

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

