2012年12月6日 星期四

Make Him Fall in Love - Understand How the Modern Man Thinks

What does it take to make the modern man fall in love? Is the contemporary male so much different from men of recent generations? Should you try to be the kind of woman your mother and grandmother were when they were dating? Should you follow traditional or modern dating advice if you want to make a man fall in love?

To clear things up right from the start, the contemporary dating world is vastly different from the days when our parents were doing the dating thing. Their concept was pretty well-defined and structured along the lines that the woman was submissive and the man was in total control. A great catch for a man was a woman that could keep a clean house and raise the kids, while a woman did well for herself by hooking a guy that provided a nice income for the family.

This notion seems so ancient today as these qualities rank much lower on the scale of desirable traits for a partner. What a woman needs to make a man fall in love today is more of a mental or emotional approach to relationships. Because men and women today are more equal in financial contributions and in sharing household tasks for the family, attracting a man relies more on understanding the male psyche.

Women need to decipher what men want emotionally from them if they want to work on building a strong relationship. The reality is that men today want a woman that is independent, self-sufficient, and secure in the woman that she has worked to become. They love a woman that is confident and supportive, and these men are more than willing to provide their support in return.

Basically, men want a partner that they can depend on while still feeling that she needs him in a manly sort of way. Let him fix the leaky faucet, solicit his help in moving the furniture around, and show him how much you would appreciate it if he would bring the boxes up to the attic. Then let him know how "manly" he is and that you would be lost without him. Boost his masculine ego and it will be a cinch to make him fall in love.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

