2012年7月31日 星期二

Free Match Making Sites - Things to Look for in Dating Sites

Are you still single? Do you feel you have the need to be with someone? Are you looking for fun and want to have a date? Finding a date is easy but finding a person that will match your personality would be a bit difficult. This is why free match making sites were established.

Free match making sites offer you free services that can help you find your perfect match. In the old days, it is done for the purpose of introducing two people for marriage. However, in this modern time, free match making sites do that job. You would not require a match maker to find the perfect match for you anymore. The World Wide Web has a lot to offer when it comes to services in finding the perfect partner. It is a good venue to meet people from around the world. There are thousands of free match making sites you can find in the internet. However, you should look for the best sites to make your search for a match successful.

Free Dating and Relationship Guides

When it comes to services, websites must be responsible enough with their clients. Most people who seek help using these sites are those without idea or experience in dating and relationships. Online dating sites must provide free dating and relationship guides. These guides may be in a form of a free e-book. Responsible sites give out free articles about love, dating and relationship. These articles may serve as guide for those who need advice on dating.


When you join free match making sites you are looking for the best possible match. To be able to find that perfect match, the site has to have a large database of people seeking their match. Fewer members will mean less possible match.

Web Interface

Sometimes these online match makers are cluttered with advertisements that you will have a hard time which link to click. These sites should offer a neat and easy to navigate website. It should be professional looking and not just made by a newbie web designer for experiment.

It Must Meet Your Needs and Expectations

After reading some of the free guides about dating and relationships, you are now equipped with ideas and knowledge. There are plenty of members that you can be matched with. The web interface is easy to navigate and clean. So what is next? The site must meet your expectations. And that is to introduce you to your perfect match.

You could meet a lot of people from joining these sites. However, finding your perfect match would still rely on how well you handle relationships. The match you would find from these sites would be based on your kind of personality.

Just be responsible enough when you go with your online date. Just have fun with online dating. Scrutinize your date thoroughly and be sure if he/she is the right kind of partner you are looking for. Besides, it is only who can judge if your partner is truly your perfect match.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

My Long Lost Love - Dating Advice

Today a caller calls in to test our emotional IQ, apparently he has moved here from another country and left his childhood sweetheart in the foreign country from hence he came. Now apart and several years later both are in high-school one here in the US and the other abroad. He has emailed her and asked her to reply, she will not, then blocks his incoming email address. He still loves her, but what can he do? Well, here are some ideas:

Modulate the Frequency of contacts.
Become a Mystery of intrigue
Do Something Spectacular and maybe she'll think you are destined for greatness
Ask about her, people like to talk about themselves
Find a Replacement, this makes you hard to get
Give it More Time
Consider Her Geographically Un-desirable and move on
Send Her a gift of friendship
Invite Her to join a Social Network with you
Write About All your new experiences send her the link
Write a Creative Poem
Buy Her an Airline Gift Card or Ticket that can be used within six months to where you are (1 week vacation).

Do any of these seem viable to you, some of them should, as they play into the concepts that are known in the field of the "Law of Attraction" and others are mere common sense. At this age young adults are at a critical time and first loves are so difficult to overcome. This is an emotional crisis for the young man and something that must be dealt with if he is to adjust to his new domicile in the United States.

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Tips For Dating Singles - Are You Making 3 Dating Mistakes That Block Love & Take Fun Out of Dating?

Are you tired of dating and feeling disappointed that you haven't met your perfect love match? You might be making these three dating mistakes that block you from love and take the fun out of dating. This is good news. Once you identify your dating mistake, you can correct it with these simple shifts in your dating plan.

Dating Mistake Number One: Seeking A Perfect Love Match

Have you created your mental picture of your perfect match? Do you go on dates with a list of qualities you seek in your ideal match? Do you reject every date who doesn't measure up to your physical, financial, intellectual, spiritual or social standards? Would you like to change your dating experience?

Here's what to do instead:

Your task is not to seek perfect love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. This love tip was revealed hundreds of years ago by the poet, Rumi. How can you use it to improve your love life today?

Look at the Love Tests that you present to a date. Now imagine that your date expected you to pass the same Love Tests. How would you score on your own Love Tests? Do you bring everything to a relationship that you desire in return? If not, why not? Why is it so important to ask yourself these questions?

Like attracts like. If you keep attracting a date with qualities that you don't like, your date may be a mirror that reflects a weakness that you need to strengthen within yourself. When you do so, you will attract a date who reflects the qualities in the new improved you.

Dating Mistake Number Two: Seeing Each New Date Through The Veil Of Your Past

Do you expect the same old patterns and problems with each new date you meet? If you were betrayed in a past relationship, do you keep looking for any signs of disloyalty in a new date? Do you expect the same old disappointments and notice that you always get what you expect? Ready to change your dating experience?

Here's what to do instead:

Know that what you see will be. What you focus on grows. When you focus on your veil of past troubles, it blocks your clear view of the here and now. The best way to grow is to let go of your blocks to growth.


Simply toss off your veil to gain a clear view of reality. You can choose to see each past trauma as a fluffy cumulus cloud. You try to cling to it, and it eludes your grasp. You dive into it, and it can't hold you. Poof! You can let go of it's hold on you, when you see each cloud as a fleeting blip in your blue skies.

When you are free to see and enjoy blue skies, you will welcome each new experience and attract a date who shares your view.

Dating Mistake Number 3: Waiting For A Date To Add Excitement To Your Life

If you often feel bored, it means you are making boring choices. Waiting for a date to make your life exciting means you will attract an equally-bored date who is waiting for you to spark up their life. Sound exciting?

Here's what to do instead:

Know that you are whole and wonderful as you are. When you suffer from an excitement deficiency, you can make better choices that add excitement to your daily life.


Make a list of all the fun things you want to do, and then make a play date with you to do something fun each day.

To enjoy some low-cost fun, start an affair of art. Would you like to sing, dance, cook, paint, take photos or classes that tickle your fancy?

Give yourself permission to start today. You will enjoy a creative rush that revs up your excitement in each day and in your dates.

And if you'd like more tips you can use to attract love and create a happy relationship, check out weekly interviews and episodes in the adventures of author Hadley Finch and her savvy friends, the Tribe Of Blondes. Not a hair color, it's a resilient, hopeful spirit that unites us and fuels our adventures.

After her efforts to save her two-decade marriage failed, author and songwriter Hadley Finch picked herself up, revived her dreams, and started a quest to find the next great love of her life, with help from her friends. Hadley wrote a novel and bonus album of songs, TRIBE OF BLONDES, inspired by her real life adventures with real tips you can use to survive a break up, start fresh and love again. This novel will debut in book stores in March '09.

Also in Spring, '09, the Tribe Of Blondes will begin to unite singles in a new, video-interactive social networking site, Tribe Of Singles.

In the meantime, get your tips for inspired dating and relationships when you join Hadley Finch for new episodes each week at http://www.tribeofblondes.com