2012年11月26日 星期一

Make a Man Fall in Love - What Every Woman Should Know

Do you want to make a man fall in like - or make a man fall in love? The funny thing is that those two situations are not that much different. What is love if not like but on a higher scale? So, do you want to make Mr. Right pay attention? Do you want him to become romantically involved? Do you want to succeed this time? Then learn how to make a man fall in like - and that will show you how to make a man fall in love.

Consider this comparison if you want the best dating advice. Suppose you had a friend how got a dog. Then the friend said to the dog, -Now, dog - Do not bark. I do not like barking. And do not chase things. I see no reason to chase things. And do not run at all. I do not run. In fact, just stay in the little cage under the table and I will let you out when I think of something to do with you.

Does this person deserve to have a dog? No. The poor little dog will go crazy. The fact is, a good dog owner will allow time and resources for the dog to do dog type things. The dog will have to make some small changes to fit in with the household, but he must be allowed to continue to do dog things.

How does this apply to dating? What does this have to do with how to attract men? Does male psychology apply here? Yes. Very much so. There is no escaping the fact that your man is a man. He will enjoy doing man type things. Just because he enters a relationship with you, he will not stop doing those man things. And I do not mean immoral or illegal things. I mean going to ball games; watching sports on TV, golfing or bowling. And beer. In moderation.

If you are the kind of woman who fusses and fumes every time her man wants to spend some man time, are you being different from the dog owner who wants his dog to just do human things? The dog will not be happy; neither will the man. Can you see the dog running away at the first opportunity? He surely will. So would I. So would you. So, let your dog be a dog. Let your man be a man. He will appreciate you so much the more for it.

Of course, your dog should let you be a human (or woman.) There are probably things you enjoy doing that your man does not care for, like scrapbooking or other crafts, talking on the phone, shopping and so on. It would be great if the both of you could do together the things that each one enjoys, but if not, at least they should let each one indulge himself. To a reasonable extent.

On top of letting a man be a man, there are a few other things to pay attention to that are very important. They involve being the kind of person that would attract your man. When people are dating, or looking for a date, what kind of person are they looking for? Well, what kind of person are you looking for? Be that kind of person for him. This is how to make a man fall in love and commit to you.

That would include being a good conversationalist, someone who can carry on a pleasant conversation. Are you pleasant to talk to? Or do you tend to be argumentative and sensitive? Speak to your man the way you would like to be spoken to.

You can win. You can make a man fall in love - try our advice.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

