2012年8月15日 星期三

Create the Seeds for Love

Love and chemistry often unfold when two people exhibit balance and compatibility in their interaction styles.

You can help to enhance the seeds of love with these behaviors:

(1) Exhibit loving and caring behaviors as opposed to infatuation.

Nothing kills chemistry faster than a date who is overly clingy, needy or overly expressive about the way she or he feels early in the dating process.

Yes, communicate directly and authentically that you are strongly attracted to your dating partner, but don't go overboard.

A single long stemmed red rose and a hand written note on a first date often is more impressive to women than a man showing up with an armful of roses, candles, and other trinkets. A single aromatherapy candle in her favorite scent might also be appreciated.

Similarly, men appreciate a thoughtful gesture from women. If he drinks tea, perhaps bring him a small gift package of his favorite tea and hand written note, "Relax and enjoy this tea blend." If he works out, a small vial of herbal liniment might hit the spot. Men also enjoy a thoughtful gift of incense or aromatherapy.

(2) Demonstrate that you understand how to set and respect healthy boundaries.

Focus on sharing positive aspects of your experiences as a way of establishing a boundary that sets a limit on drama.

Yes, you can communicate that you have positively overcome challenges of leaving a long term relationship without sharing all the grit and gore.

Avoid dumping negative energy about unresolved feelings, relationships and other life experiences onto the dating table. If it doesn't kill chemistry immediately, the negative energy of your experiences will resound most loudly when your date reflects on the date, and may discourage interest in a second date.

Also, observe and listen to what your date chooses to share. If he's not going into deep details about his personal life or feelings, that could be a cue that you also should be mindful to share more lightly and save deeper details for later dates.

(3) Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

Communicate your interest clearly and directly with words and actions. Often times, people say they are interested in going out again, but do not follow up with phone call, email or other feedback in a timely way.

Or they go the other direction, and bombard the date with frequent calls soon after leaving the date.

Actions speak volumes and have the power to move a relationship into a stage of inspiring more curiosity and desire to spend time together or to do the opposite. Turn a date off.

Again, boundaries are important. A single well placed call or email that shares feedback about the date, deepens conversations, or asks the person out again with a day or two of meeting is appropriate.

Attempting to call your date on his or her cell within an hour of leaving the date and expecting a call back that same evening is not appropriate.

Similarly, hesitating to communicate with your date shortly after meeting does not create an energy of forward movement, so can stall the relationship or erode chemistry your date might have experienced at the first meeting.

Also, if you connected with your date during your first meeting but experience a change of heart after reflecting more on the experience, communicate that in a sensitive, timely and direct way.

Often, especially with Internet dating, people stop communicating if interest is lost and leave the other person wondering what happened. Energetically this creates a situation of unresolved feelings.

Instead, clearly communicating that interest level has declined, frees both of people to pursue other opportunities for love with clear energy and without questions or lack of resolution about the previous dating experience.

Contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT today for an energetic life coaching session to fine tune your ability to attract love and create positive dating experiences. http://www.aikihealing.com

Kay Hutchinson is a practitioner of Chinese medicine, energetic life coach and teacher of qi gong movement. She is the founder of Aiki Healing, a private practice in Austin, Texas, and the publisher of "Health Prosperity" a publication dedicated to empowering people to manifest optimum health and wellness.

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