2012年8月26日 星期日

Get the Man You Want - Do's and Don'ts on the First Date

Do you really want to get the man you want? Are you going out on a date with a guy for the first time? Do you think you can make him want you? You have to admit, first dates can be tough. However, single ladies must be able to surpass the first date in order to end their lives as singles. Having the first date is full of pressure and can be compared to job interviews. It makes your stomach flip and makes you sweat profusely. In short, first dates ca make you nervous. You do things to make a good impression after all your date does have high hopes and expectations to bring to the table. Here's a list on some do's and don'ts on a first date.

Do #1 Always be yourself.

Oftentimes, a woman is too preoccupied on making a good first impression to the extent that they pretend to be someone they're not. Guys love men who act naturally. Don't let your insecurities get to you because you will have the tendency to pretend to be someone you're not.

Do # 2 Let loose and have fun.

Enjoy your date and stop worrying. You need to let loose and enjoy. You wouldn't enjoy your date if all you do is worry and think of things to impress him. Show to him that you know how to have fun but don't show him your wild side. That's just too much on a first date.

Do #3 Wear something nice.

Don't wear something too short or too long. You have to remember to that you have to dress appropriately. If your date wants to take you out for a movie, it's not appropriate for you to wear some shiny skimpy dress, right? You can wear a casual dress, put on some flats instead of high-heeled shoes.

Here's a list of things not to do.

Don't # 1 Don't talk too much about yourself.

Your date may think that you love yourself too much. You've been clamming up completely that you haven't even given your guy to talk about his life. Yes, he wants to hear what you do for a living but it doesn't mean that you have to tell him what you do every single hour of your work. A brief description is enough for him. Also, don't brag that you love shopping and spending money. You would totally freak him out.

Don't # 2 Don't order a salad.

Guys love it when you chow down too. He doesn't like a girl who starves herself to death. Order some pasta instead of salads if you don't want to eat something heavy.

Don't # 3 Don't try something new.

If you haven't had a Brazilian wax, now's not the good time to do it. Don't get a tan from the tanning salon either if it's your first time. It's not a good day to try it. It's good to groom yourself but you could have done it days ago.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

