2012年8月19日 星期日

When to Be Proactive in Getting a Date

When Is the Time for You to be Proactive?

All of us need love. Love is universal. Love sometimes comes after a date with someone. A date sometimes come naturally in the course of your work, social interactions or other activities. Sometimes, however, it does not. In such an instance, you will have to be proactive to improve your chances of getting a date, rather than to remain passive, hoping for someone to come into your life to start dating you.

Lesson from the Proverbial Chinese Farmer

When you are in a situation, for example, where your colleagues are all of the same gender or are all married, remaining passive and hoping for someone to come into your life to start dating you can be likened to the proverbial Chinese farmer waiting for a hare. The story goes that this Chinese farmer stumbles on a hare that is knocked unconscious when its head accidentally hits the stump of a tree while it is running. Delighted by his find, the farmer picks up the unconscious animal and sells it for a good sum of money. Thinking that his good fortune will recur, he decides to take the easy way out by not working on his farm but rather sitting by the stump to wait for another hare to come along to knock itself unconscious. Needless to say, this is a futile venture. In no time, his neglected crops fall into ruin, and he becomes impoverished. Therefore, this waiting-by-a-stump-for-a-hare approach to getting a date while you are in a situation that offers no opportunity for you to get a date is futile.

Concrete Proactive Steps

That being said, how do you take concrete proactive steps in getting a date? Well, there are many ways for you to do so. For instance, you can join a hobby club, go on online dating sites and read up more from online dating books.

The author, Andy Kong, is the webmaster of: http://www.DatingLoveMarriage.com

His website contains online-dating and wedding resources; articles on dating, love and marriage; and dating-related products, among others.

