2012年8月23日 星期四

You Can Make Him Fall in Love, If You Follow a Few Rules

Have you been dating a guy and it feels like you're head over heels for him and he hasn't even hinted at being in love with you? Do you know that he really, really likes you, but can't figure out why he's not in love with you yet? Do you want to make him fall in love, but don't know how? Sometimes, it can seem like guys take so much longer to fall in love than women and it can feel so frustrating. Often, women wonder if their guy will ever fall in love and when he finally does, it feels like it took forever. Many men are slow to fall in love, because for a long time, love doesn't occur to them like it does women.

It's no wonder that you feel like you're waiting forever for him to fall in love with you. Guys are so confused when it comes to dating that they really have no idea when they are allowed to fall in love with a woman. So, it's no surprise that lots of ladies find themselves waiting for what seems like forever for their guy to commit.

Not so long ago, men found it easy to fall in love because they knew what was expected of them. The whole dating game was up to them and women just naturally followed their lead, but now, women take the initiative on all aspects of life, so it's no surprise that they would take the lead when it comes to dating.

When it comes to making him fall in love, however, things can be a little different. One of the best ways to make him fall in love is to keep dating fun. When you keep the dates light and enjoyable, you will likely find that he keeps coming back for more because he likes being with you. When he enjoys your company, he will keep coming back for more. This is the first step in making him fall in love with you.

Another way to make him fall in love with you is let him know what you're looking for in a relationship and then let it go. He knows the ultimate goal and it will always be there. By not pressuring him, you are showing him that you trust his pace and you're not in a huge rush. There will be plenty of time for rushing later. For now, though, take it easy and enjoy the relationship ride. By stepping back and just enjoying being with him, you are allowing him to realize that he is in love with you and that will add up to a much more fulfilling and committed relationship.

The last and most important step to making him fall in love with you is to always look desirable. Even if it's the first thing in the morning, you should make efforts to be as attractive as possible. By looking your best every time he sees you, your guy will be reminded why he finds you attractive and that is a huge step in making him fall in love with you. Add this to gentle touches and a good time, without sleeping with him too soon and he'll fall in love with you in no time.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

