2012年9月12日 星期三

Speed Dating Questions: How to Make Speed Dating Experience Worthwhile

Is this your first time to get into speed dating? Are you having a difficult time in coming up with good speed dating questions? Do you want to make the most out of the very little time given in this dating method? Do you want to go home with a perfect match with you?

Speed dating has changed the normal partner searching concept and has acquired so much popularity through the years. Trying this type of dating for the first time can be very enticing. However with fun comes the serious part, which is choosing the right match for you. Being clueless of what information to obtain from potential partners might leave you dateless or with a poor match.

To avoid ending up with the wrong partner and wasting your precious time you must be prepared. The following tips should be taken into consideration when asking speed dating questions to a future partner.

Tip # 1: Be straightforward - In this dating method, time is not on your side therefore you cannot afford to waste it. Be clear of want you want from a partner and what you expect in a relationship. When you are after a serious relationship then you must make it clear on your speed dating questions. In that way your potential partner will get a clear picture of your expectation.

Tip # 2: Prepare your "MUST HAVE" qualities list - Joining this way of dating without a clue on what your ideal partner would be should be avoided. Pondering on the qualities you are seeking from a future partner is essential because it will be the basis for your questions. Once you know what your ideal partner will be, then you should ask related speed dating questions on every man that will approach you during the selection. Remember that in this unique dating you do not have forever to sort out a potential partner.

Tip # 3: Show your best - In this dating process first impression can have a great impact on your future partner. Therefore you should present your best qualities in a way that you will stand out and catch the attention of your future partner. Invest on your look to make sure that you are presentable to others. You should also keep an optimistic and fun loving attitude to make your potential partner comfortable with you. While asking your speed dating questions, it is a plus factor to look and sound interesting in order to attract your future partner.

Tip # 4: Have confidence - Remember that you will only be given few minutes to present yourself thus confidence is everything. If you look too nervous or uncomfortable while asking your speed dating questions, you might miss your chance of having your ideal partner. Just make yourself at ease and believe in your qualities. When you have confidence in presenting yourself and your questions, your future partner will definitely notice you.

Not all individuals who join such dating process can have positive results. However, these tips, coupled with an eye-catching look and nice set of questions can help individuals attract potential partners in no time.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

