2012年9月2日 星期日

The Biggest Dating Myth Revealed!

This is the dating world. I'm sure there are plenty of myths out there, that are making people confused, frustrated and angry. But this is one, I believe is the juiciest. The biggest one. The one that stuffs the most people over.

Do you guys want to know what it is?

I'm going to give it to you ok?

Here it is .....

The Biggest Dating Myth Revealed - Let's use a quote from a famous movie ....

You ready for it?!

Jerry Maguire: "You complete me"

That's it. Right there. Doesn't sound like much does it? But this quote screws people up left, right and center.

You know the only truth to this quote is that it is complete and utter rubbish! But the writer should be given some recognition, because it was quite romantic. Has a nice ring to it ... but it couldn't be more further from the truth.

Here's the thing, you have to want to date yourself before you can get anyone to date you. You have to love yourself before anyone will want to love you. I know its a simple concept, but everyone seems to get it wrong.

A lot of single people out there want to get themselves into a relationship so that they can feel happy. So that they can feel fulfilled. So that they feel that there is some meaning to their lives. If there is any myth about the dating game .. then that's it right there.

I've said this so many times in most of my posts. But if you want to attract your ideal partner, then you need to stop focusing on it! You need to start focusing on becoming the type of person that your ideal partner would want to want to be with.

Being single is great, because it allows you to uncover things about yourself that you couldn't while being in a relationship. There are certain parts of you that still need working on. Maybe you have some old beliefs that are holding you back. Maybe when you get into a relationship you become too needy. Being single allows you to reflect and improve.

You need to be able to give love to yourself first. Do things that you enjoy doing. Do things that make you happy, that give you meaning, that make you passionate about life.

Once you have this high self respect and self love - then no one can ever take that away. That means that you have less of a need to hold back when it comes to relationships because you have nothing to lose. That means that you have more to give to your relationship because you are complete. Your glass is full and so now you can overflow that love and share it with others.

If you want to know what the biggest dating truth is .. that would it right there

Get FREE Instant dating advice for men and women at the official Hot Alpha Female BLOG right here! http://www.hotalphafemale.blogspot.com

Jennifer Nielsen the founder of Hot Alpha Female is a vibrant 20 something chickadee who specializes in making an art of "getting the dating game". She has a passion for building the awareness of her readers to define who they really are so that they are able to build happier and healthier relationships in the future. Her respective blog therefore is a collection of her works so far and proves to be a great resource hub with interviews, videos, audios and posts of the most current and up to date issues that people experience when it comes to dating and relationships.

