Stumped for 1st date ideas? Do you want to have a great 1st date but aren't exactly sure what your date might like to do? Are you working within a budget but don't want to look like a cheapskate? Here are some great first date ideas that won't break the bank and will help you both get to know each other better without any pressure.
Although you may be tempted to want to sweep your date off their feet with wine, dance and romance, you need to be careful not to set the stage for too much intimacy on the first date. Since you are both getting to know each other, you want to stay clear of situations that may turn awkward for either one of you. An intimate picnic on an isolated stretch of a mountain stream may seem like a good idea, but if you get there and run out of things to say it can turn uncomfortable fast. Think of activities or events that will help both of you come up with discussion subjects without the need to focus just on each other.
• Miniature Golf - No athletics are required for this activity. Skill sets don't really enter into the picture much, and there will plenty of chances to focus on something besides each other while you get to know each other. Miniature golf allows plenty of opportunities for laughter and conversation in a lighthearted public environment.
• Amusement Parks - Although not necessarily the least expensive option, amusement parks are always a sure bet for a 1st date idea. There is always a huge choice of things to do and depending on how adventurous your date is you can scale the thrill level up or down. You won't run out of things to talk about because if you are running short on subjects you can always plan your next thing to do together. An amusement park is also a great environment to get to know each other better without pressure. You can find out how adventuresome your date is, what kind of food they like and have plenty of opportunities for good laughs and good time.
• Festivals and Public Events - You don't have to spend a lot of money to find plenty to do and talk about at public fairs, festivals and events. You can learn quite a bit about each other by reviewing artist booths, deciding what to look at and how to spend your time. With plenty to do and many food choices, you probably won't find yourself in any awkward silent moments where neither of you are quite sure what to say.
• Art, Historical and Cultural Exhibits - If you know a little about the tastes of your date, you can plan a fun and interesting outing at any number of art, historical or cultural exhibits in your area. If you have a science museum with activities you can also find plenty to do once you get there. You might combine your date with a fun luncheon or dinner after your date to share your thoughts about what you just experienced together.
• Go carts and Activity Centers - If your date likes to be more active, you might consider going to a go cart track or a facility where there are a lot of video games and activities. Sometimes these can get pricey so be sure to take that into consideration if you go.
• Try a New Cuisine - You'll need to ask your date first before you try this 1st date idea. Ask your date what type of food they like and what type they would like to try. Pick from the list of a food they would like to try and surprise your date with a trip to a well rated restaurant featuring that cuisine. Since it will be a new experience for them it is something special you can share on your first date. You'll have plenty to talk about by sharing a new experience together for the first time and it will help make your first date together more memorable.
Put some thought into your first date by going through 1st date ideas that consider the interests and tastes of your date first and foremost. When you put your date first in selecting a place or event for your first date they will appreciate your consideration and it will help make it a more special experience for both of you.
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Janice Evans is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.