2012年10月4日 星期四

Online Dating - Love Is Still A Four Letter Word

When we think of four letter words, we think of things that are profane.

Profane: to treat (something sacred) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt.

It's Friday evening, and our lonely single is alone again. It's kind of rough to work a 50 hour week...with no weekend plans to look forward to. At work, she's surrounded by cubicles of chatty, popular singles. It seems everyone is looking forward to their weekend...and to spending it with someone they had strong emotions for.

She had a wonderful life, but the feeling of unbearable loneliness waited for her like clockwork: Friday evening, 6:00 pm.

Whenever she was asked if she had ever been in love? The response was the same: "Love is still a four letter word!"

Our lonely single decided to treat her self to takeout from a fairly upscale restaurant. At least she could splurge after a long week at work.

Entering her locked apartment, everything was exactly the way she left it...as always. Keeping her takeout warm in the oven, she showered and contemplated how to spend her evening.

The internet...her laptop can finally be used for more than computerized solitaire!

She recalled overhearing one of her co-workers mention a site, L.O.V.E. Online and decided to give the free trial a chance.

Searching...clicking...browsing...she felt encouraged and a little excited! Setting up a basic profile, she decided not to include her photo...wouldn't want anyone to know she was that desperate. Enter...she immediately had second thoughts. Still wondering if love was still a four letter word?

The emails starting trickling in, each one more ridiculous than the last one. One was openly soliciting for a threesome...there were a few "hi's"..."smile!"..."here's my number, give me a call"...One profile seemed interesting and promising, but there wasn't a picture. The email he sent her was funny and entertaining. If she would provide her personal email address, he would send her a photo. According to this stranger, he was a recently widowed public official. That was the only reason he didn't post a photo. She was a little surprised that he didn't ask for her photo.

Oh well... She sent him an alternate email address and not her personal one. Just in case she is communicating with an online stalker. While waiting for the photo, she released her imagination, and it went wild! Per his profile, he's 5'11", hazel eyes, salt and pepper hair, close cut beard, infectious laugh, loves camping, carnivals, fairs, winter sports and winter holidays, kittens, making homemade bread on rainy weekends, 70's sitcom reruns...Just from the profile, she began to debate within herself, whether or not love was still a four letter word?

Jarred from her day dream, her computer chimed with the announcement of an email. She opened the email of someone that within the past few minutes, gave her hope. Hope for relationships, hope for a change in her lifestyle, hope for...love. She opened the email...it was like she swallowed a brick that landed heavily in the pit of her empty stomach. The photo was a full color picture of his genitals! She was surprised, embarrassed, disappointed, and never felt such confusion in her life! What happened to her sense of judgment? How could she fall for such a horrid, uncalled for prank? Love IS still a four letter word! Love...profane: to treat something sacred (such as love) with abuse, irreverence, or contempt.

She knew online dating wasn't for her...

If you don't have thick skin, it may not be for you either. This is a true story.

I have been involved in online dating since the very beginning, and I have had a blast doing it! Along the way, I have met many Mr. Right's, (yes...it's true! I've received a diamond wedding set via FedEx!) hundreds of Mr. Wrongs, and I've lost count of the Mr. You Must Be Kidding's! Find out more and arm yourself with a few online dating skills. Please learn from some of my mistakes...even if I didn't!



