Are you thinking of looking to the web to find true love, but you want to know the definitive rules for online dating first? Is this something you've heard a lot of good things about, but you've also heard it's good to stick to a good set of rules when it comes to online dating? Are you afraid online dating may be more dangerous than you'd thought?
Not only can there be some cons out there as online dating services try to charge astronomical fees and render little service in return, but the other danger you have to consider are the men you're going to meet.
Take a look at this simple guideline and keep these tips in mind when you go out and try online dating.
Divulging Info
When we're sitting in the comfort of our home, it's easy to forget that the information we're innocently tapping out on our computer could fall into the wrong hands. Phone numbers and addresses should never enter your profile, but also avoid stating where you work or where you go to the gym or other activities.
When some creep starts calling you in the middle of the night because you refuse to respond to his posts, you can quickly come to regret such a move.
Time Saver
Be honest as you tap out your profile, but then also be honest in your assessment as you look through men's profiles. Avoid wasting time by not posting to a guy who's really cute, but has nothing in common with you. Stick to your game plan and find the right man for you.
With a profile that's suits you, make an initial contact. Once you see you're on the same page with the guy, don't waste time chatting endlessly. What many women come to find is that while they can have an interesting connection on the internet, once they meet in person, that charm, charisma or personality that came to the screen simply isn't there in person. They've wasted weeks simply chatting with the wrong guy.
Set up a meeting as soon as you see the guy has true potential.
Worming Your Way Out
Some women might be able to just come straight out and tell a guy 'this isn't going to work' right smack in the middle of a date. More power to you if you have the capacity to be that frank... you're saving yourself and the guy a lot of time. However, if you tend to wimp out in this sort of circumstance, simply plan for a short date that won't take up your entire evening.
Planning for a long dinner and a show can be disastrous if you realize ten minutes into the date that you're simply not comfortable with this man. With a promise of just coffee and then you're off to meet with a friend, you have a way out already plotted out and planned for.
Safety First
Most rules for online dating will tell you want to do and say to trick a guy into liking you. But there's one piece of advice they don't always mention; remember that this is a stranger you're meeting.
Never plan your first meeting in a private or secluded place. Meet in a coffee shop, at a restaurant or at a pub, but never in a deserted park or beach, and never at his or your place, no matter what excuse he gives you.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.