2012年10月1日 星期一

The Speed-Dating Technique That Makes Men Fall in Love

Why do men take so long to fall in love? Why are men so hesitant when it comes to commitment in a relationship? Are you really as powerless over your love life and your destiny as you feel? Isn't there a faster way to finally win the man of your dreams? Whether you struggle with gaining the attention of one man, or you struggle trying to get even one out of a hundred men to commit, it's time you had a new strategy on your side. Try this secret speed dating techniques that makes men fall in love, and secure the man of your dreams today!

The real key to making men fall in love is to gain an understanding of the way they think. Believe it or not, male psychology is surprisingly similar to female psychology. The only difference is that men tend to be more cautious about love then women do. Whether or not you can believe it, men are actually more afraid of having their hearts broken than you are!

Although it may often seem that men are only interested in sex, beneath whatever physical motivations they may advertise, they're really looking for a deep, personal connection with a woman. For most men, the ideal woman is someone they can open up to, someone they can share their thoughts and feelings with, and someone who makes them feel safe in doing so.

The problem is that men, at the same time, feel a need to remain emotionally guarded. By opening themselves up emotionally, they feel as if they're making themselves vulnerable. In a sense, this is true. Whenever a man gives you his heart, whenever a man lets himself love you, he gives you the power to break his heart. Consequentially, men are cautious when falling in love because the last thing they want to do is to give this power to the wrong person. The one thing men are most afraid of when falling in love is that their love will be abused.

That's why in order to make a man fall in love with you he needs to know you first. He doesn't just need to be familiar with who you are he needs to know you on a most intimate level. He needs to have a solid sense of the kind of person you are, whether you're truly caring or selfish, whether you're truly tender or harsh, before he can decide whether or not he trusts you with his love.

Under normal circumstances, the process of establishing the emotional intimacy necessary to make a man fall in love takes time. Friendships do not blossom over night, and for a man, true love is the furthest extension of a sincere friendship. However, you can speed up the process of establishing these bonds by adjusting your dating style to provide as much experience as possible in the shortest amount of time.

To hasten the foundation of friendship and intimacy, try abandoning traditional dating procedures. Instead of going out for a nice, long romantic dinner, arrange evenings that fit in as much experience as possible.

Set up an evening equivalent to a night at the county fair. Plan a great variety of activities within the short span of a few hours. The more you opportunities you give him to see you in different contexts, the more well-rounded his conception of you will be. And by painting a varied picture of yourself to him, you'll instill a sense of intimate knowledge in him. He'll feel like he knows you better after one night, and that may ultimately make him fall in love with you faster.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

