2012年11月23日 星期五

Are You Looking For Love? Try Looking Via Your Internet Connection

Are you looking for love but the phone hasn't rung, or the door hasn't been knocked on lately? Not perhaps for a long time? We get so caught up in our lives dealing with work, family, friends, and running errands, so sometimes as single women and men, we forget that we deserve time just for us and our pleasure. It is often difficult to meet someone we can the take time with to get to know, whether it be at work, school, or at different events we may attend.

After the advent of the "personal ad" in newspapers and other publications, seeking people to date evolved into internet dating sites and dating agencies. Match-making sites advertise various profile requirements, uploading of personal photos, and with your user name and password, you can tap into your range of gender, age, and geographic location, as well as other qualities you have outlined for your account. You can chat IM style right then and there, and you are allowed to see who is online with you.

Prices vary to a great degree and can be free or as much as £30 per month which taken out of your account credit or debit card automatically. Be careful to unsubscribe when you have ceased looking so that you don't incur subsequent charges. With membership, you can stay on the site 24/7 and get to know your potential date over time. The best idea is to plan a meeting in at a coffee shop or restaurant for just one drink. This way, in case it an obvious mismatch, either one of you only need stay an hour or so. This is a fun way to meet a variety of potential friends, partner, or future mate. There are some sites that guarantee you will meet and have at least one date with someone with your profile preferences, so there is little risk on your part. The date is not completely blind though as you have viewed photos and read their profile information and have an idea of common interests and lifestyle choices.

Dating agencies conduct an interview in person with you, and then produce a video tape or DVD with you introducing yourself for other people to view and select as a potential date. These are more expensive than online profiling you do yourself. More detail seems to be used to pinpoint more exactly your preferred match. Average fees are a one-time fee of a range from £150 on up. For this price, it is warranted for them to provide references of matches that have worked out prior to your taking out a membership.

Online dating and dating agencies exist because you and others are being proactive in looking for love. It can be done in the privacy of your home, and could work out to become a once-in-a-lifetime connection!

For information, dating advice, tips on speed dating or finding a date in London visit Lovestruck.com who are a professional dating agency in London.

