2012年11月8日 星期四

Conversation Starters - The Best Topics to Discuss With Your Date to Make Him Interested

Are your first dates a little off? Are you always running out of conversation starters? Does your mind always become clouded whenever you are in a date? You actually don't have to be this nervous on first dates. State of panic must never hold you back and prevent you from having fun. You must learn how to control yourself and emotions to be able to come up with a successful date. If you seem to be anxious all the time, you will never get his interest. Instead of ending up with uncomfortable moments, here are six interesting conversation starters that could really break the silence and get the conversation going.

1. Are you a fan of music?

This conversation starter is actually effective mostly because people otherwise love music. Be it pop, jazz, classic, or rock, they will surely be an easy question and will definitely lead to a smooth-flowing discussion. Things about the instruments and musicians might further follow so be prepared and do your homework.

2. Do you have pets?

Both male and female are often fond of animals. Whether it is a cat, dog, a bird, or even a mouse, the subject would be easy to talk about. This is a basic conversation starter that will actually make him tell you more about himself.

3. What's your favorite place?

Since people often travel and somewhat loves to go to various places, maybe he might have been somewhere you'd already been too. And if he did, then the discussion will further advance. It will be easier to talk about something you both know or both enjoyed. If he prefers a beach over the malls, you might as well agree because somehow, if you are to choose between shopping or swimming with your friends, you will certainly choose swimming. So there goes your compatibility.

4. What was the best movie you've ever seen?

Movies are everyone's interest. Most men prefer action while women want romance. But in most cases, the artists matter most. You don't have to worry if you don't have the same appetite for movies. If he likes horror and you hate it, you may state your opinion in a way that will make the conversation going. But never make it to a point that you both will have contradicting ideas.

5. How many girlfriends have you had?

This isn't a conversation starter that feels uncomfortable to talk about on his part. Besides, it will show a lot of interest for both of you to continue dating. Knowing his background is indeed an advantage for you. If he lies, you can somehow feel it. Trust your instincts, they often comes out right.

6. What qualities of a girl you like?

The purpose of dating is to get to know the person more. And if you know what he likes and dislikes, you may use it to catch his interest and to make him officially yours. But it doesn't have to be that way all the time. Being someone else for his sake will never be a good way to go. You might lose yourself in the long run. So keep just keep what he said as guidelines.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

