Do you know how to make a man fall in love with you? Does the love of a good man seem out of reach to you? Have you tried before and you feel there's nothing more you can do to succeed in love? Love is a very unpredictable emotion. It can come when we least expect it, evaporate with little warning and sometimes be completely elusive when we feel we need it the most. But there are a few ground rules you can keep in mind to better your chances at surviving in love.
First, you have to put in a concerted effort to avoid letting on to the man you're dating that you're desperate to have a serious relationship. Heavy expectations and weighty pressure can kill the potential love this man might ultimately come to have for you. Let the relationship evolve in a timely matter and don't rush through it.
This includes not rushing your way to the bedroom. Having sex with a guy might seem like the easy way of locking in his love for you, but his love is not likely what you'll end up with. Build a solid friendship with him first and let him see all the fabulous sides of you before you hurry to jump into bed.
As you get to know him, make sure you're showing him a healthy dose of admiration for the man you're discovering. Some women come to view men as an opponent rather than a potential partner. This date isn't a competition, so don't go out of your way to prove yourself better than him. You'll only come out looking petty in the end... not to mention alone.
However, do keep in mind that men are highly attracted to a woman who has her own life, opinions and career. Don't be mousy to the point of letting him have the last word, giving him all the decision making power or showing yourself to be submissive. Keep a healthy balance of independence for your own life, and recognition and respect for his.
To accomplish this, simply refrain from being constantly available to see him. Just because he calls to ask you on a date tomorrow night doesn't mean you have to drop everything to be with him. In fact, you should avoid doing this at all. He'll respect the importance you put in your independence and won't quickly take you for granted.
And lastly, don't forget that men are visually enticed. They enjoy looking at a woman who is pleasing to the eye. Don't confuse this with the notion that men are only attracted to one type of woman; the super model. They're not and you shouldn't give up just because you feel you don't measure up to the beauties of the world. Get yourself together and be the best that you can. Add a smile of confidence to this put together look of yours and the rest will fall into place. It's not just the smart outfit and new haircut that will grab his attention. It's how you portray and carry yourself. Pretty, but arrogant doesn't attract many guys. Beautiful, but pretentious doesn't fare much better. Be approachable and friendly in addition to looking great.
Over doing the overt sexuality may seem like an easy route, but the type of men you'll attract might disappoint you. Keep it sensually sensible. Your clothes should give him something to look forward to discovering, not blatantly expose all your assets right from that first meeting.
It may seem like a lot to consider, but if you really think about it, getting the true love of that great man isn't as complicated as you might have thought. Be fun and enjoy your dates of discovery with him.
To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.
This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.