2012年11月11日 星期日

Make Him Fall in Love - A Quick Trick to Move Him Along

So you're hooked and you want to make your man fall in love? How can you get him to move to the next level? What can you do to make him see that the time is right? There are a few things you need to understand about men and relationships. Keep reading to find a shortcut to make him fall in love.

Men are slow. Slow to open up, slow to take chances, and slow to commit. However, just like women, they are looking for that earth-shattering romance with that special someone they want to be with forever; they just move too slowly. This is a fact that you just need to accept. But, to the rescue, there is a great suggestion to help you make your man pick up the pace.

Put his dating timeline in fast mode. You see, men have a mental calendar which guides them in their relationships. They seem to move forward according to their perception of the amount of time they have known you. Is there a way to make their calendar jump ahead? Absolutely.

Take your guy on multiple dates in one night. It's simple. Plan to jump around from one location to three or possibly four others during the same date. For example, grab a quick burger and then go catch a movie. Meet up with some friends for a couple of drinks after you leave the theater and then sit around at your place for a little while before you call it a night. You have now had four dates in four different locations on the same night. That adds up to a month of Saturday night dates if you did only one thing each night. You have just moved his timeline forward by a month.

Sometimes to make a guy fall in love, you just have to adjust his perception of time a little. Give him more experiences to recall and it will seem as though he has known you much longer than he actually has. You have just subtly advanced his timeline in your favor.

Make sure that his memories bring a smile to his face, so try to plan fun things to do together. Go places where you can laugh and just have an easy-going, carefree few hours away from reality. When you can help a guy forget about everything except being with his one special girl, you have found the way to make your man fall in love.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that ninety percent of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

