2012年11月18日 星期日

Make Him Fall in Love Today!

Have you studied any of the many available how-to manuals on making a man fall in love? Were they useful to you? Or are they sitting in a box in your garage? Chances are the books told you that men and women are programmed differently and that because of that, they have very different thoughts about relationships and dating. That is very important information to have when in your cache when you are trying to catch a man's attention for making him fall in love with you.

So how do you turn this information into a plan of action?

It's not easy for today's contemporary women to get a man to reach the full-on, relationship-ready, in-it-for-the-long-haul phase of a relationship. In times gone by, the rules about dating were much more clearly defined: men were the pursuers, women where the pursued and everyone understood that that is how it was going to be. Not so anymore.

These days, it's perfectly acceptable for women to be the chaser, and more and more women are being the initiators for dates and relationships. Acceptable, that is, by women. Men seem to find it confusing when women take a leadership role in a courtship. And even when a relationship is established, some men are still confused about what their role should be. Women are no longer just stay-at-home mothers and wives waiting for their men to come home from work. The gender roles are much more blurry now. Liberation and progress may be positive signs for women, but men are left feeling confused about their roles.

Although they may seem archaic by today's standards, there is a reason the old rules for dating and snagging a man became the standard: they worked. By understanding a bit of male psychology, you can employ those outdated rules in a way that works in the 21st century.

Bear in mind that men don't generally follow the same relationship timeline as women. Although it may seem like a big compromise to have to do things his way, if you want to have relationship success, you'll need to err on the side of slowing things down. If a man detects that you are getting too serious (read: needy) too quickly, you will loose some of your appeal fast. What's more, men still like to be the pursuers. Don't pressure him into falling for you, or he'll turn on his heels and head for the hills faster than you can say "I love you".

Always remember to have your own life. There is a big difference between letting a man chase you and sitting by the phone with your life on hold, scared to death you will miss his phone call. Proceeding with your life, your job, your friends and your hobbies will let him know that even if you are in to him, you don't need him to be around to have a full life. He'll appreciate the space and it will make you more attractive.

Whatever you do, remember the following things:

o Men hate feeling smothered

o Having your own life will show him you don't need him in order to be happy, and

o You can be the pursuer, but there is something to be said about letting him chase you. Try it.

If you can manage to maintain your own life against the rush of your new relationship, you should be able to successfully make a man chase you.

If you are looking for a system to make every man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you, click Unforgettable Woman Advice. If you're ready for a highly effective method that's different from what every else is teaching, click 77 Secrets to Attract and Keep Him Now. You don't want to miss this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

