Have you met your perfect guy and already started planning to make him fall in love with you? Are you planning to steal his heart? Do you want to know what you can do to make sure he only has eyes for you? Here are three tips that will help you capture his heart and make him fall in love with you.
#1 - The waiting game. Most dating experts agree that it's a good idea to wait a while before entering the physical stage of a relationship. It is common for men to fixate on the physical side of a relationship, blinding him to everything else. By refraining from sex for a little while you will give him the chance to shift his focus back to the emotional side of your relationship. This won't necessarily make a guy fall in love with you, but it will help him to develop deeper feelings for you. If you've already entered into a physical relationship with your partner, you might consider letting things cool down for a little while. This will have the same effect.
#2 - Playing hard to get. You might think that playing hard to get is just a playground game but it's not. It's actually a very effective way to make a guy more interested in you. In fact, it's so effective that people have been playing hard to get since time immemorial. Men always want what they can't have and so if you make a guy chase you it will drive him wild with desire. When you do finally decide to le him catch you he'll feel like a hero for having won your heart. This will make him fall in love with you and he'll never want to let you go. Remember not to be too hard on him though, otherwise he might get bored or frustrated and give up the chase. Play it right, however, and you'll have him eating out of your hand.
#1 - The triple date. Instead of going to one location on your date, why not try going to several places in the same evening? For example, you might meet in a bar before going to restaurant, then continue your date somewhere else, say the cinema. This is a sneaky psychological trick and will have the effect of making him think that you've known each other longer, or that you are closer than you actually are. This should make him fall in love with you much more quickly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.