Did you know that you can make any man fall in love with a little confidence in yourself? Did you know that men actually admire confidence in a woman? Did you know that being shy is 50 years out of date? If you don't know this then you're a little out of touch and it's time to bring you up to date. The rules of the dating game are changing. Here's what you need to do to make any man fall in love in the twenty-first century.
Of course you know that men don't think the same way about women as they used to fifty years ago. Things have changed so much since then it's almost unbelievable. Back then women were expected to be cooks in the kitchen, waitresses in the dining room, cleaners everywhere else and nobody ever talked about what went on in the bedroom. Girls got married at a young age and to the first eligible bachelor that came along.
Since then, women have taken much more control over their lives and over their romances. Confidence is now not only expected, but admired.
The truth is that men have always admired confident women, it was just a few men that spoiled it for the rest of us. Men prefer women to be outspoken, exciting and fun to be around. It's simple male psychology, they want to be with women who are happy and positive because they want to share in those feelings. A good smile, a sunny outlook on life and a self-confident attitude really can make any man fall in love.
There is another reason for women to be more confident with men too, and that's because of the way dating has changed. The great upheaval in the way we think about relationships has left men a little bemused. Men no longer know whether it's acceptable for them to be forward and to make the right move. So many women are easily offended by men's behaviour than men are sometimes scared of saying or doing the wrong thing. Because of this women must be confident and lead the way.
Don't be afraid to be too forward yourself if needs must. Some men will really appreciate this.
Men are no longer in control of the dating scene so it's up to women to send out the right signals, make the first move and take control. That's why it's possible to make any man fall in love with nothing more than confidence and assertiveness.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.