2012年12月5日 星期三

How to Make a Guy Love You - Secrets For All Women

How do you make a guy love you? Are you ready to feel loved when you love a man? Are you ready to be in a loving relationship? While relationships are often complicated, these secrets will make it so that you can make a guy love you without it being complicated.

Secret #1. Build Some Great Memories.

Memories are something that we store away in our brains. It is sort of like a large filing cabinet. When it comes to thinking about a person or an event we can pull out our memories and "see" what happened. We also feel the emotions that were first associated with the event or the persons involved in an event. When you build some great memories you are making it so that he will feel these great feelings over and over again. This is an excellent way to make a guy love you.

Secret #2. Mini-Date.

A mini date is one where you go somewhere for a short time and then you go somewhere else for a short time. You can do this two or three times in each date. That lets you get the most out of your time. You have then created two or three great memories. It is also important to go to as many different places and do as many different things as possible so that your great memories don't get grouped together.

Secret #3. Give Him Time.

It is easy to want to rush him into something. However, if he isn't ready then you will only frustrate him and could even send him packing. Instead you need to give him some time so that he can love you and so that he can figure out just how he feels. You can make him love you, but he will need some time and some space.

These three secrets will make a guy love you. The great thing is that they are something that any woman can do. It doesn't matter who you are or how much experience you have, you can capture his heart using these methods. Just remember that the memories are important and they need to be positive ones.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

