2012年8月3日 星期五

Win Back Your Man You Love Dating Without Making a Fool of Yourself

When you realize you still love your ex boyfriend and want to win back your man you love dating you must proceed carefully. Depending on who broke off the relationship there may be additional potential road blocks, but for sure you want to avoid being played and looking like a fool.

We want to make sure you do not end up getting hurt, either.

Most men are driven by ego, even though some do not show it as much as others. As I am sure you know, some are nothing but one big ego!

Because of this you have to be careful how you go about reconciling the broken relationship and attempting to win him back to you. The last thing you want is to start following him around asking to be taken back.

Definitely that would be a boost to his ego, but he could then treat you as a play thing and discard you at will. He would love to be able to tell all his friends that his ex girlfriend could not live without him and came crawling back to him.

Some guys may even try to tell their friends that even if it is not true!

So what should you try that will both get your man back, which is what you primarily want, but also keep your dignity about you? I am sure you want that too but it may have not been in the forefront of your mind.

Here are a couple of ideas to start to win back your man:

1.) If the breakup was fairly recent, it can be difficult, but I want you to wait and just let things chill a bit. Chances are that he might be "feeling free" and kind of enjoying that feeling.

No sense in getting a brush off.

Waiting gives him a chance to realize a few things like:

a.) Girls are not lined up just waiting for him to become available.

b.) He misses you. You are not there for him to lean on, talk to and enjoy being around.

If the breakup has been a while ago then perhaps you could casually bump into him and see if he would be interested in getting together for coffee just to catch up. Keep it from sounding urgent or serious, just friendly.

When he enjoys a simple chat and coffee with you he is going to be inclined to want more and maybe ask you to dinner. Do not jump at the offer, stay casual, thoughtful.

2.) While waiting for time to pass or for him to come to the realization that he misses you, do not put your life on hold. This does not mean that you need to date everyone else in the world to make him jealous, that can backfire.

Instead move forward with some goals you have in life. Upgrade your education, your job or maybe take a trip you have always wanted to take. Let him know that your life is not dependent on his.

You can win back your man with dignity as long as you know what to do and what not to do. It does not have to be rocket science but there are definite do's and don't's you want to be aware of.

Map out a strategy that gets you what you want and makes you nobody's fool. Come to our website at http://www.RelationshipAdviceHelp.com for details.

Mr. Scott has enjoyed assisting people with relationship and marriage issues for many years now. Please note that he may occasionally receive some form of compensation when recommending other experts services or products.

