Are you planning on having a blind date one of these days? Do you wish to have a successful blind date at this time? Do you still think that your date will be as successful as you imagine it to be?
A successful blind date is not that hard to imagine if you have an idea on how to make it work. Most of the time, this type of dating end up being a disaster because of a lot of factors such as no proper preparation and limited idea on how it usually works. For a date to be a success you have to devote more time into its preparation or else everything will fail and you will lose the chance of finally having a successful blind date. How to have the perfect, successful blind date? The following tips can greatly help.
1. Plan on Where to have the Date: What type of date do you prefer? Do you wish to go for a formal dinner date or something carefree and light such as a stroll in the park or along the beach? If you prefer the former, then you can schedule the date on a restaurant of your choice. You can make reservation days before the date if the place is always packed in order to have a table for two during the date and not to wait in line outside for a vacant table. Planning a successful blind date starts with the place on where to have the date. If you prefer an informal date, then you can choose to have a picnic in the park or see a movie. You can also try the new bowling alley near your place.
2. Be Punctual: It's a given that girls arrive a little later during dates however an hour or even a 30-minute late is no longer tolerable. You have to make a good impression with your date and arriving late will not surely reflect a positive feedback. Impress your date by arriving on time and you will have a successful blind date. It will mean that you are not being a prima donna as the other girls are. Guys will surely take notice of that.
3. Keep the Conversation Flowing: Try to keep the conversation flowing during the date. It doesn't mean though that you have to monopolize the conversation all throughout the date. Give him time to talk as well. If you can't think of anything to say then try to crack a joke so as to break the silence. Jokes can also help your date loosen up a bit if he's a little nervous. Refrain from talking about matters that are too serious. Keep the topic light and fun and you will have the successful blind date you've been wishing for.
4. Appreciate his Effort: After the date, don't forget to thank the guy for his time. Thanking him will mean that you appreciate his effort. Guys like girls who are appreciative. Your appreciation will not escape his notice and who knows? You might even get another date invitation from him.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.