2012年10月11日 星期四

Books on Dating - Books That Could Help You Score That Date

Do you have problems with dating? Are your dating skills not good enough? Do you wish some help on dating? Fear no more as there are books on dating available in bookstores. Dating is one art that not all people masters. Not everyone has an inborn talent to date any guy or girl. If you are one of them then you need to read books on dating. These will give you the advices you seek in dating. There are literally thousands of books on dating; here are some books that you can choose from.

1. The Art of Approaching By Thundercat

Ever had problems on approaching a woman? Don't worry because you're not the only man who doesn't have enough courage to actually approach a woman. Don't be ashamed about it. This book will greatly help you in conversing with women. It's a motivational book that gives you so many ideas on approaching women. As you finish reading this book, you're guaranteed to succeed. When you go out tonight, you will surely end up with 6 phone numbers from different women. Surely, your buddy would be envious.

2. Become A Man Who Naturally Acts Women by Dan Bacon

The psychology of attraction can be mystery. The way to attract a woman can be possible for you. You don't need to be some rich single man to do that. Here's some instructional book wherein you can learn a lot. It changes your mindset as well as your behavior. If you have a problem with your body language, don't worry because this book contains all the tips on communicating with a woman by means of body language.

3. How To Be A Lady Killer by Ann May

This book is written by a dating expert and quite surprisingly, she's a beauty salon owner as well. What made her decide to write this book is that during her years in the beauty salon business, she has listened to thousands of women sharing about their thoughts and dating. She realized that no matter how different every woman is, they still want the same thing from a relationship. In this book, you'll know the steps on meeting someone and being able to date her. There are also key points on effective seduction too.

4. Make Women Laugh by Martin Merrill

Judging by the title, you wouldn't buy that book. May a second take and don't judge the book by its title. You may be hesitant but buying the book would be worth it. Martin Merrill has written this book for men who are unable to successfully get a woman. He has taken some conventional ways and looked at it in a different angle. It's like you are defying gravity with the tips he has given you. What's more is that you can quickly attract women with the help of humor. Laughter can break the monotony you have during your date. Also, put into actions the tips he has given and surely, you will be able to attract women.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

