Are you running out of things to say on your date? Do you want to know more about your date? Do you need some date conversations starters to start the ball rolling? One thing that one usually avoids in a date is the moment of silence. It's certainly deafening if both individuals ran out of things to say. You certainly don't want that to happen, right?
You certainly need some date conversation starters to keep your date from getting boring. It's not easy being on a first date. You spend hours and money picking out the perfect dress to wear on your date. You also try to impress him and at some point in your date, the dead silence pops in which lasts for the next few hours. What you need to do is to come prepared with a good conversation. Here are some date conversation starters that you can use.
1. Always ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions are a great way to get to know another person. Avoid asking questions that will make him answer a yes or no. Always ask what, when, where, who and how questions to him. This will make add more details in the questions you ask. However, your questions must have a limitation. Don't ask too many questions like as if you are an FBI interrogating him. He may feel intimidated with your questions.
2. Come up with witty, unique and humorous questions. You can ask these questions to break the ice. What is great about this is that he will know that you also have a fun side. He will also think that you are a good conversationalist because you manage to come up with topics that would break the ice. You can ask questions like his fears. You can ask him if he is afraid of heights. You can also ask him what his comfort food is. This will be a good way to know his favorite food and surprise him with it on some random day.
3. Compliment him. The moment you see him, compliment his appearance. Don't go for common or average comments like "You look nice", "You look good" and such. Instead tell him that his outfit looks great and such. This will boost his self-confidence up to a notch higher. This will also make him think that you are interested in him. If he cracks up some jokes, laugh at his jokes. Tell him he really knows how to make you laugh. This will get his anxiety level lower down and would make him more at ease to talk to you. Remember to show him some respect and courtesy. Do not compliment something negative about him. It's only your first date and you're already nagging about his short comings.
4. Don't make it a one-man show. This means you should not monopolize. Avoid talking about yourself all the time. You are like saying a monologue. Don't get too carried away in saying things about your life. Guys will get bored with that. Make your statements brief but with meaning and a hint of mystery.
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.