2012年10月20日 星期六

How to Get Dates: Stop Wishing, and Start Dating, Now!

Do you wonder how to get dates? Do you spend too much time alone, thinking about how to get dates, when you could be out having fun? Have you ever stopped to think that the fabulous girl who catches every guy's eye could be you? It's true. Take a look around - that girl is not much different from you, in fact, the differences between you and the popular girl who knows how to get dates at the snap of a finger is probably minuscule. Here are simple steps to stop staying home alone, and start dating now.

Step One: Let Go of Fear

If you want to be able to attract men, you've got to leave doubt and fear behind. Stop worrying about whatever it is that seems to be holding you back, be it your weight, your complexion, your wardrobe, your personal quirks, whatever. Just stop worrying about it, and take steps to correct any problems.

Step Two: Is Your Problem Real?

Make a list of any problems you feel are holding you back from dating. Next, decide if they are really problems. Things like, "I'm not hot enough" are not problems. Be specific. Things like, "bad skin" are problems - but you can fix them easily.

Step Three: Correct Problems

Fixing "fixable problems" is easy. Bad skin can be fixed in about a week - just pay attention to your skin every morning and night, use products that are right for you and don't pick at pimples. Brush your teeth two or three times a day. Stop eating junk food, and start eating things that are good for you. Take a walk every day, or find another way to exercise. This alone should help you start feeling good, and you'll stop asking how to get dates. In fact, people might soon be asking you!

Step Four: Find Your Inner Goddess

This is the real secret. If you want to know how to get dates, this is the one thing you've got to get right. Every woman has an inner goddess, and she is beautiful. She's one of a kind. She has her own likes, and her own dislikes. She has her own sense of style, a great sense of humor, and most of all, she is confident about who she is. She owns herself.

Step Five: Be Confident!

Now that you've found your inner beauty, all you've got to do is release it. Forget about proclaiming to the world that you've found your goddess - guys won't understand, anyway. What they do understand, and what they love, is a confident woman.

Posture - Stand and sit up straight. Practice in front of a mirror if you've got to. Never slouch - not even when you're alone.

Fashion - You don't need to spend millions, but if you want to answer the question about how to get dates, you've got to find a look that's right for you. Check out fashion websites, and if you don't subscribe to fashion magazines, you might think about starting. Pull yourself together, accessorize, and wear clothes you like that make you feel good.

Step Six: Ask Guys on Dates

If you like a guy, pull yourself together, and ask him to go get a drink with you. Don't make it seem like a big deal. One of the biggest mistakes girls make is assuming guys are going to do the asking - and in today's world, it's fine to ask a guy out yourself. Remember, guys are human too. Most men will be flattered that a girl actually asked them to go out, and they'll happily follow after you.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

