Have you been concentrating so hard on work that you haven't learned to be successful in love? Do you find that your dating life is suffering now that you have put so much energy into your job? Would you like to concentrate on finding someone who can complement your life? Are men really intimidated by strong women? You have worked hard, and earned everything you've achieved. Now it's time to learn to be successful in love as well.
There are some parallels between love and other areas in life. You should know what you want, and go after it. A successful relationship takes hard work. But there are also some strategies that apply to your career that might not work in love. So, remember the following tips.
You are not totally in charge. When it comes to love, you need a partner. Men are not really intimidated by successful women. Men want someone to admire. However, they don't want to be bossed around.
You can make your own decisions about what you want. You can decide whether any relationship is right for you or not. However, you can't make the decisions for someone else. You are not completely in control of someone else's feelings.
Women who take charge of their lives and accomplish big things are often used to managing every detail. But, if you want a true companion, you need to recognize that you can't micromanage a man. Many couples fall into this pattern, but you should really let him have just as big a part in setting the pace and in making decisions as you do.
You can't strategize everything. This is closely related to the first point, but offers a different perspective. The point here is not just about who has the upper hand. It also pertains to the importance of realizing that you can't find the right guy by having a checklist for everything.
That's not to say that you should lower your standards, or settle for less. However, you can't have a man made to order. Look at some of the things that you judge in men, and ask yourself if these items really are the important things. To be successful in love, you should look for substantial qualities.
For example, while physical attraction is important, you shouldn't dismiss men who don't fit every characteristic of your imagined ideal. Our impression of people's looks can change as we get to know them. Take the time to get to know someone, and then see if you are attracted to the whole package. You just might be surprised.
Remember the art of seduction. Don't take the fun out of dates by treating them like job interviews. Of course you don't want to waste your time, and you want to find out as soon as possible if your date has potential. But there is more to love than finding someone with the right resume.
Mystery, excitement, and adventure should all play a part in love. So do relaxation and comfort. If you are used to getting through a to-do list all day, it is sometimes hard to turn that mentality off after work. But, remember that you should just try to enjoy yourself.
Don't lose touch with your feminine side while you're busy building your career. You should be able to feel like a seductress when you are dating. This doesn't mean that you have to be overtly sexual, but who doesn't want to feel sexy? Of course, the guys will appreciate you letting out your sexy side, too.
You know that you are a strong, independent woman. But you can let go a little bit, and still be successful in love.
To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.
This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.