Did you girlfriend admit that she led he man to fall in love with her and you wonder how she managed that? Have you been trying for years to make a man fall for you and nothing has ever happened? Are you tired of all the tricks you've used and you don't think anything will ever work? The situation is never as hopeless as you might think. Read on to see the key to finding love.
You may have received conflicting advice from your mom and her generation, and your friends who have a far more modern view of men, dating and sex. Well, while a few of the modern views do have merit, many of the things your mom told you may be even more pertinent today.
1. Put your best foot forward. Basically as you would in any other situation, you want to make a good first impression on the guy you meet. As shallow as you may find it, that does include looks. This doesn't mean that you're out of the game because you don't look like a model; it just means you need to take what you have and work it the best you can.
2. Don't be pushy. Many women have come to adopt a rather aggressive approach to men. They proposition men, make crude come ons and even vulgar gestures. Few guys appreciate this type of forceful attack from a woman. Sure, if they only want sex, the woman has just made it easier, but for more? Allow the guy to be the guy. Your modern woman sensibilities shouldn't feel threatened by letting him lead a bit.
3. There's no rush. Well, you may feel that there is, but if you really stop to think about it, is this something you want to rush... finding the love of your life? Enjoy each date on its own merit and not for the future you suddenly see building in front of you. Stay in the moment and don't let the pressure to turn this into a relationship seep through.
4. Give the emotions time to grow. The bond you build from date to date will come to create a wonderful atmosphere in which you will both feel comfortable and secure in. Show him all he has to be proud of and admire in you. In exchange, remember that a man needs to feel he has an important part in your life... as a man. Don't diminish his masculinity with thoughtless nitpicking. It'll keep communication open and easy. When you come to discover that you can tell each other anything, you'll know that you're on the path to something special.
5. Value yourself. If you want that special man to respect and value you, you have to feel the same for yourself. Know that you're worth more than just a trip to bed and don't allow any man to rush you into sex. The man who is truly interested in you will be more than eager to wait. He'll know that if you're making him wait it is because you're special and that you consider the relationship to be important enough.
These five simple steps should have you well on your way to finding that special man and getting him to fall in love with you.
To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.
This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.