2012年11月3日 星期六

Make Him Fall in Love - Put Time in Fast Forward

How long does it take to make a man fall in love? Wouldn't it be nice if guys just moved along right in sync with you? Why do they take so much time to advance to each level in a relationship? Men and their ideas about love can be so frustrating. Making your man fall in love doesn't have to be impossible; you just need a secret weapon. Read on.

Guys are slow, and they are structured in the way they approach love and commitment. They don't just fall in love like women do; they see it as a sequence of events, and they must occur in the correct order.

You will not find a guy that just wakes up one day and realizes that he has found the love of his life. On the other hand, it happens like this for women all the time. No, a man has to know that he has invested enough time into getting to know this woman. There is a way that you can make him believe that more time has been contributed - mini-dates.

Mini-dates are a great asset in making a man fall in love because they manipulate his perception of time. You can use this concept to make him believe that you have been together much longer than you actually have. You see, his perception of time is based on memories of the two of you together. What you need to do is give him more memories.

Instead of going to just a single place on your date, take your guy to three or four places in the same night. Have fun and stay long enough so that he can build a mental picture of the two of you in that location. The more mental pictures you can provide, the longer it seems to him that you have been dating. Guess what happens when he realizes that he has "invested" enough time? Your guy allows himself to move to the next level, and you have knocked down the barrier that is keeping him from falling in love.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

