Have you been lacking in luck on the dating front and you don't know how to get a guy to love you? Are you fun and easy, yet guys don't seem to have any interest in pursuing a relationship with you? Have you met tons of guys and many of them would have made a great life's partner, but they didn't see a future with you? To a certain extent that's normal. Not every man is going to fall for every woman. We all have our likes and dislikes, and we're all looking for that certain something in the person who'll become our life long mate. Here's how you can help your search for your perfect man and how to win his love.
Physical Attraction - How Much is Enough
It's funny how many women balk at the notion that physical appearances are important, yet they themselves will turn a guy down because he doesn't look the part. On both sides that physical attraction is important. However, it doesn't end there.
Just as you shouldn't simply rely on your looks to reel a guy in, you shouldn't base your love for him on how he looks. Just because he's as cute as all get out doesn't mean he's a great match for you.
Go beyond the looks and spend time getting to really know one another. A great conversation that has you exploring the many sides of the man you've just met can be a good beginner. You'll find out if you're on the right track, and without necessarily discussing a future together, you'll see where he's heading. It's never a good idea to rush future plans into the mix. You'll have plenty of time for that once your relationship is on solid ground. Otherwise you can appear over eager and even desperate. Keep your future plans under wrap, possibly until he brings it up.
But don't think a few dates spent talking well into the wee hours of the morning are enough. Building an emotional bond takes more than that. It takes that sense of security and comfort that can only come over time. Let each date you have with him show him that you're fun and easy to be around. You want him to remember the time he spent with you and smile. This will leave him eager to see you again.
Emotional Attachment - Building that Solid Foundation
Many women simply hook onto how they feel when they're with the guy and they don't really stop to consider how he feels. If the conversation has been all about you and you think you had a great time because you impressed him and he seemed attentive, you might be mistaken. He may have left the date feeling dizzy with all you chatter and bored by it all.
Be aware of what you're doing and how it affects him. Admire him and show him that have you a great deal of respect for the man he shows you to be. If you do fall in love with him, don't try to change everything about him. Love and accept him as he is. He'll fall in love with you when he sees that he can be himself, have fun and just feel great being in your company.
To learn the fatal love mistakes you must avoid, click Love Advice. If you're ready to transform your love life this year, click 77 Love Secrets Now. You don't want to miss this!
Jennifer Keys is a professional writer who specializes in the field of dating and relationship. After making many mistakes in her love life, Jennifer has dedicated her time to help other women understand the dynamic between men and women. Please visit her website to learn more.