2012年8月31日 星期五

Find My True Love - Getting That Real Relationship

Have you had enough of dating to no avail and you simply want to find your true love? Are the nights of clubbing all night wearing you out and you want to settle down with a man who'll be your true love? Do you need a few tips to get you to your true love fast?

When we set out to date just for the fun of dating, everything seems so easy. Plenty of guys are out there looking to have fun and we're more than prepared to offer up a whole night of fun. However, when we finally decide to chuck all that aside and try to meet the man who'll be our true love, we don't know where to begin.

Read on to see how you can leave the dating scene and meet a man you can love for life.

A Change in Wardrobe

It's no secret. When a woman steps out with the hopes of landing a guy she can spend a few hot nights with, she dresses in a way that advertises that fact. Little is given up to chance, so low cut shirts and mini short skirts are the order of the day. We want to be seen and we want to catch the eye of every guy in the joint.

But when we make the shift from fun dating to a serious search for our true love, we forget to make that shift in our appearance, and we continue to strut our stuff in a way that isn't conducive to finding a really good man.

While men enjoy looking at hot and sexy women, there still remains a hint of concern with regards to taking these women seriously. Maintain a presentable level of sensuality, no more.

The Personality Takes It

Where overt sexuality and flashy looks work wonders on the frivolous dating front, it's your personality that has to shine when you want to find true love. He wants to talk to you, get to know you and give you a good idea of who he is.

Be as genuine as you can be and simply do all you can to have a good time with him. Ultimately you want a strong sense of comfort, trust and respect to grow between you. Let your fun personality build that bond.

High Expectations

Even as little girls, we picture our vision of our Prince Charming. He should be of such height, such weight, such coloring, such wealth. When we set out to find our true love, we cling to that vision, blindly refusing to settle for anything less.

Unfortunately, in our quest to meet the man we believe to be perfect, we actually allow a great number of men to pass right under our nose. Why? Because he's not as tall as we'd hope. He's a little heavier than we wanted. His hair is dark and coarse when you'd always dreamed of sandy curls.

Be realistic as you write out your Prince Charming list of characteristics. You may come to find that your true love is kind, generous and loving rather than tall, dark and handsome.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Tips About Which Question to Ask on a First Date

Are you going out for that elusive first date with your dream guy? Do you want the date to be perfect? Do you want to get a clear idea about the guy? Well, do not over stress yourself. The first date is the perfect way of knowing whether a guy is good for you or not. All you have to do is be calm and focus on the details. You should try your best to find the details about your date. You should think about which question to ask on a first date.

You should be inquisitive and take genuine interest in knowing this new guy. You might like him, you might not. But, the fact that you are going out on a date reflects that you are definitely interested in him. Thus, it is a good idea to use the first date to know the guy. Are you confused about which question to ask on a first date?

Here are a few ideas on which questions to ask on a first date. These questions can be the determining factor of your future with the guy you are going out with:

What kind of relationship are you looking for? This is the first question to ask on a first date. You can get a clear idea about your date's expectation and can talk about your views on relationships. This can show how much your opinions are alike or different and you can be sure about which direction the relationship might head to.

What do you think is the biggest mistake a person can make in a relationship? This question will help you know what your date doesn't like and what makes him uncomfortable. You can know if your frequencies match.

What kind of a partner do you want? This is a very important question to ask on a first date. Both of you should discuss exactly what qualities and characteristics you are looking for in your partner. It is important that you talk about practical expectations rather than talk about the kind of celebrity 'look alike' partners we all dream of.

Do you have any past relationships? You two should discuss about your past experiences with love. This way, you can know whether you are headed for a repetition of history or not. Also, you can avoid any future misunderstandings by coming clean about your respective pasts. The good things is that it is always better to confide in a person you barely know, than to have to share the same thing with the same guy after you have come to know him well.

Which is your favorite movie? This is a great conversation starter, and, can also let you know about the kind of effects the respective movie has had on your date.

How do you spend your free time? You should discuss about the kind of things you do for fun. If you find a common thread, it is great. If not, you should try each other's idea of fun later.

You should be ready about which question to ask on a first date. It might sound silly, but, it is a good idea to make a list and prepare well.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Questions to Ask a Date: What to Ask and What Not to Ask During a Date

Are you feeling excited over your upcoming first date with your guy? Have you been thinking of what questions to ask a date and how to ask them the right way? Do you think that your list of questions to ask a date is already sensible enough to merit an answer from your date?

First date dilemma can include not only the dress to wear and the overall outward appearance; it can also include the right words to say and the right questions to ask a date. If you are not sure about the right questions to ask a date, then read the following types of questions to know what can and cannot be included in your list:

1. Personal Questions: Questions that can be considered as personal are a big no-no especially for first dates. In your list, refrain from including personal questions to ask a date because it can appear as though you are prying on his personal life. Personal questions make guys uneasy and they don't like that kind of feeling especially on a date. They will likely refuse answering such questions so there is no point in bringing them up. It will only embarrass your date.

2. Questions Regarding Family: Depending on the guy, this type of questions can or cannot be included in your questions to ask a date. Some guys take pride in talking about their families and relatives while others are mum and quiet when it comes to family topics. If he is fine with the topic then you can start asking but if he says he does not feel like answering questions concerning his family, then you have to stop asking one.

3. Relationship Questions: Avoid asking questions regarding his past relationships. Some guys prefer not to hear any questions related to previous relationships, more so if one of those past relationships had been painful. A few guys however will try to answer such questions but these are the guys that do not have issues with their past lovers. So before you include relationship issues in your list of questions to ask a date, observe your date first if he is the type that does not mind answering such questions or one that does mind.

4. Questions Related to Accomplishments: Your set of questions to ask a date can include things related to his accomplishments. Most guys love talking about the things they have accomplished, which could either be career-related or just about the normal everyday stuffs they do. Do not be surprise if you hear an answer such as winning the annual fishing contest next to his Banker of the Year award. A guy can take pride in both. There are guys however who are not too fond of their careers or jobs and would politely turn down any questions related to it. If you are dating this type then you have to respect his refusal to answer such questions.

5. Questions about Hobbies or Interests: Guys are proud when it comes to talking about their hobbies or interests. They can even talk for hours regarding this topic. Asking your date about his hobbies or interests is one way of getting to know his personality.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月30日 星期四

How to Fail at Falling in Love

Rather than letting nature takes its course when it comes to falling in love, many needy singles believe that by attaching ourselves to another person, we become instantly whole. Complete. All our needs are met. Case closed. The enticement is too much for the needy to resist. Who can pass up a short-cut, as it were, to personal growth? No wonder so many drink the poison of this lie, one of the most common dating mistakes.

Rebecca sure did. In her late twenties, she was a study in misery. She'd dated Tom a few times in college, but nothing serious ever developed. A few years later, a job brought Tom back to Seattle, where they attended the same church and began palling around. "We're more than friends," is the way she described it. "You could say we're dating, but the sparks aren't really flying, at least for Tom." She talked about how Tom was focused more on his career in marketing than his relationships. In fact, he was now considering moving to Kansas City to enroll in a training program that would make him more attractive to potential employers. That's what brought Rebecca to our office.

After four months of quasi-dating in Seattle, Rebecca was considering a move to Kansas City to be with Tom. "My job is nothing to brag about," she told us, "and I have an aunt in KC who said I could stay in her spare room for a while."

I (Les) thought I might be misunderstanding and asked for some clarification: "You're going to move half way across the country to be near a guy that has made no commitment to your relationship?"

"I know! Isn't it crazy?" Rebecca said with nervous excitement. "But Tom and I were made for each other; he just doesn't know it yet. It probably doesn't make much sense, but it's something I've got to do; I mean, something could really develop between us."

I winced inside, knowing how much she longed for a relationship and how potentially painful such a decision could be. We explored other options for a few minutes, but she wasn't interested. She didn't want advice. Rebecca was headed to Kansas City - following her relocated knight in shining armor - and there was no talking her out of it.

Have you ever seen a scenario like this? It's not unusual. When someone buys into the myth that another person will meet all their needs, they will do almost anything - quit their job, change their appearance, have sex, get pregnant, or travel to the ends of the earth - just to be with them, believing that falling in love with each other is right around the corner. People who believe another person will complete them by meeting all their needs become human chameleons. Remember Zelig from the Woody Allen movie of the same name? He became who everyone around him wanted him to be. He was externally defined, looking to others to tell him who he was. People who believe this lie do the same thing when dating, and mistakes abound. The problem is that chasing after another person to have a relationship that makes you feel better about yourself spells certain disaster. And Rebecca's situation was no exception.

Six months after her move, hoping that Tom would one day realize he was falling in love with her, Rebecca showed up again at our office door. "Hey! I thought you were in Kansas City," Leslie exclaimed.

"Not anymore," said Rebecca. "Things didn't work out so well." For the next thirty minutes, Rebecca told us how after only a few weeks, Tom began dating another woman he met in his training program, and they were close to getting engaged. She said she was doing all right, but since she had "lost" Tom, she was lowering her expectations and "settling" for guys she would have never considered previously. Before leaving our office that day, Rebecca spent at least thirty minutes tearing Tom apart.

Avoiding Common Dating Mistakes

Too many people attach themselves to another person to obtain approval, affirmation, purpose, safety, and of course, identity. And when the inevitable disappointment happens, they complain bitterly that this person failed them.

The truth is, self-worth does not come from the mere existence or presence of someone in your life that you are dating. Mistakes happen when you come to a relationship lacking personal self-worth, and all you can offer is neediness. And even if you do end up falling in love and winning the heart of another, you'll still, over time, come up empty. That's the poison of this lie. Expecting another person, whether it be a friend, a dating partner, or your husband or wife, to provide you with your life is unrealistic and actually unfair. It isn't anyone else's job to give you an identity or make you whole. People in your life are meant to share it, not be it.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott are founders of RealRelationships.com as well as co-directors of the Center for Relationship Development on the campus of Seattle Pacific University where Les is a professor of psychology and Leslie is a marriage and family therapist. They are also the co-founders of MyRightSomeone, a new place for Christian dating online that uses a unique matching philosophy to connect millions of Christian men and women waiting to meet their special someone. Their best-selling books include the award-winning Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts, Love Talk, L.O.V.E.: Uncovering Your Personal Love Style, and Crazy Good Sex, and they have been featured on Oprah, CBS This Morning, CNN, and The View, and in USA Today and the New York Times.

Easy Ways to Make You Appealing on a Senior Date

Senior men are extremely visual and it is so easy to do a few things to look amazing that will knock his socks off! These are senior dating secrets and are proven to work to your advantage!

- A Bra Fitting... Have you ever had a professional bra fitting? This may come as a shock but mature women sometimes forget where the girls need to be! This alone can age us and we are not even aware of it. Clinton Kelly of "What Not to Wear" recommends a bra fitting at Victoria's Secret. It is free and wonderfully "uplifting"!! He claims we do ourselves a serious disservice by wearing an ill-fitting bra and especially one that doesn't keep the girls in their proper place. The midpoint of the breast should be halfway between the elbow and the shoulder. He claims it is amazing how many women are wearing the wrong size bra. And he says mature women should never wear a sweatshirt without a bra in public. The girls bouncing around near the waist is just wrong, he says!

- Flirty lingerie... It makes you feel alluring and reminds you of your power, beauty and sensuality. It changes your attitude and men can sense this right away! And the beauty of it is; it doesn't even have to show to do its magic. After your bra fitting you may want to come back and try several pieces of lingerie you haven't tried before! At the appropriate point in your relationship, you may have him help you pick out something he especially likes. And don't forget the fragrances he enjoys the most.

- Emphasize your eyes... Consider having a makeover done at a department store for free. They can suggest updated colors, techniques and how to blend your makeup with brushes to get a perfectly natural and flawless look. A quick and easy way is watch a video online to get the latest makeup tips to make you over with very little effort. Just a bit of soft eyeliner on the top lid opens up your eyes. Try to keep most of the liner on the outer half of your eyes. With a darker shade of eye shadow soften the edge of the liner and emphasize your outer eye crease and blend this out with a soft brush. Try a lash curler and crimp your eyelashes about three times starting at the tips and working down to right near the eye lid. Apply two coats of mascara making sure most of it applied at the base of the lash and less as you brush it out to the ends of the lash. Make sure there are no clumps at the ends of your lashes and the lashes are separated and look natural.

- Your mouth... He will immediately notice your mouth so make sure it is as appealing as possible. Use a lip liner and emphasize the little cupids bow at the top center of your lips. Try one of the new long-lasting liquid lipsticks. Without a lot of trouble your beautiful lip color will last through dinner and afterward. Always add a bit of lip gloss with a tiny bit of frost in it to moisten and make your lips alluring and kiss-able.

- Your teeth... This is one of your secret weapons! As we senior ladies age we are not aware how gradually our teeth have become gray and stained over the years. You may want to get your teeth professionally whitened or you can do this at home with a system you can buy at your drug store. In about a week your teeth will be noticeably whiter and brighter! And what a difference it will make in your smile! And men do love women who smile at them. He has his stress and worries during the day and he loves to see a women who is able to brighten his day and show him her beautiful smile... it lifts his spirits and it is very attractive to him. And lastly, make sure you show off that smile often... it will thrill his heart.

- Hair Trim and Style... Your local hair dresser can suggest a cut and style for the shape of your face to show off you off to your best advantage. This is the time to try a new look. It is amazing how a just a small change in a hair style can change your whole outlook and give you that carefree flair. It is not necessary but you may want to color your hair. You may want to try a softer shade of color so it won't show as much as it grows out. This will add some fun and excitement to your adventure!

- A beautiful manicure... This feels so good and makes you feel pampered. It also gives you confidence knowing your hands look appealing. Your hands will be out there on your first date and you want them to be at their best. A softer shade is nice and you may want to try acrylics as they extend the life of your manicure substantially. You can do dishes, etc. and not have to worry about your nails.

- Men love dresses... This is crucial... you must wear something you feel absolutely great in on your first date. This gives you energy and confidence like nothing else. For your first date, toss your jeans and slacks and wear a pretty, colorful dress. And please don't wear the little black dress. Black does not make us look smaller and it is a bit too somber for a first date. Men don't say this often but they love a woman to be feminine and what better way than by wearing a dress! Also, it's easier and quicker as you don't have to match anything and you can just toss it on and go! Be sure it fits you well with enough ease in the fabric so you never have to pull and tug at your clothes.

- Your shoes... It's no secret that men love heels on a senior date. By all means wear shoes that make your feet and legs look great. And needless to say never wear an old comfortable pair you wear at home to relax. A shoe with a heel is great, but if you can't do heels try a shorter heel in a style that flatters you... maybe something with straps, bows or something that is eye-catching or even sparkles. After he finds he never wants to live without you, the following is a secret tip for you. If you can't do high heels or stilettos, you may want to buy a sexy pair and leave them on the night stand for him to appreciate!!

Written by Betty L Nelson

Did you find this article fun and helpful? Our book "Top Secrets to Find and Keep Him for Mature Women Only" gives you the keys to finding the man who is just right for you. Betty L Nelson is a dating and relationship coach. She helps senior women with relationship and dating advice. Receive a free mini-course to discover the 3 best dating tips for senior women. Go now to http://datingforseniorwomen.com to get your free guide and jump start your dating success. I would love to connect with you on http://on.fb.me/qpH9dw

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2012年8月29日 星期三

Dating Advice For Boomers - How to Fall in Love Online

You've probably heard some horror stories about online dating, but falling in love online today is much safer than ever before. Plus, if you follow this step-by-step plan, you'll be able to protect yourself and find the person of your dreams...almost as easily as you'd buy a book on Amazon.com!

Strategy #1: Choose a site.

You have a wealth of options available to you when it comes to online dating. You can choose from any of the regular dating sites like Match.com or eHarmony.com, you can choose a site for boomers or seniors, or you can choose a site that has nothing to do with dating at all! My husband and I fell in love online without ever going to a dating site, so one of our favorite tips for singles today is to join a web site with a paid forum that focuses on something that really matters to you. It might be a hobby you enjoy or a cause that you believe in, but you definitely want to make sure that there are members of the opposite sex in the mix.

Strategy #2: Create a compelling profile.

Your profile on any web site should reflect the best version of you. Avoid talk of the negative and focus on the positive. And let your personality shine through. Too many folks today get bogged down in profile questions and end up answering profile questions like they're applying for a job. Instead, make your profile sound like you by first reading the questions aloud, then answering them aloud. Then, write down what you just said, exactly as you said it. Make your profile answers sound like you when you're speaking, and people will get a more authentic sense of you and who you are.

Strategy #3: Consider who you're attracting.

Another part of creating an intriguing profile is knowing what you want in a partner. Are you looking for someone who needs a mommy figure? If not, then leave the word "nurturing" out of your profile. Consider how you'll come across, and who you might attract. Better yet, ask a friend or two to look over your profile answers without telling them they're yours, so they can be honest about their reactions. Ask them to describe the person they've just read about and see if that sounds like you. Also, ask them to describe the kind of person who might be attracted to the person they've just read about, and see if that resonates with you.

Strategy #4: Engage in conversation.

First conversations can be tricky, but here are a couple of tips for making them less awkward. Start out by chatting online. Typing at someone who you can't see sometimes eases the burden of a first encounter, and allows you to engage in conversation easily without worrying about how you look or come across. Remember that the text-only medium can seem overly chilly, so don't be afraid to use emoticons like:) to warm things up and make comments seem friendlier. Ask questions, be cautiously open, and have fun!

Strategy #5: Safety first!

Be very careful about giving away sensitive details like your phone number or home address until you've really gotten to know the person. You should move your conversations to the phone and/or video chat first (Skype is a good resource) so you can see the person and get to know their gestures, facial expressions, and nuances. And don't be in a rush to meet them in person (my husband and I didn't meet in person until about six months after we met online!). You should never feel rushed or pressured. And when you finally do schedule that first meeting, arrange your meeting to take place in a public location, make sure people know where you are, and schedule some "safety check in" phone calls with a couple of friends.

Online dating is a wonderful way to find prospective love matches without the hassle and expense of date after date that just doesn't work. Leveraging the power of the internet allows you to weed out any prospects that aren't a match so you only spend time on interests that have the potential to grow into true love.

Entrepreneur Susan Baroncini-Moe is the co-author of "How to Fall in Love Online," a book she co-wrote with her husband Leonardo, who, funnily enough, she fell in love with online, from across an ocean. Susan and Leonardo teach singles how to find potential matches and fall in love, easily, economically, conveniently, and safely, all online!

For a free 10-day Fall in Love Online Strategy Guide and a free ticket to Susan and Leonardo's "Fall in Love" Telesummit, visit http://www.HowToFallInLoveOnline.com.

c Copyright - Susan Baroncini-Moe. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

How to Find Love and Romance On The Internet

There are many people who finding partners online ever since the beginning of the internet personals. Internet matchmaking facilitates easy meeting of people from around the world. This article is about how to find love and romance on the internet, which some find elusive.

Many couples meet through dating services, social networking sites, or chat rooms. However, if you are serious to find your soul mate, the best place to start is an online dating site. Social networking sites and chat rooms are not dating sites.

Dating services are designed specifically for people seeking partners. You get to meet people who are looking for love and are open for relationship. There are numerous dating sites on the internet. There are sites that target specific groups or people and there are sites that are open for everyone.

You have to choose the kind of dating site that is suited for you. People who want to find partners with certain beliefs, specific interests, or from certain countries or ethnicity are better off with targeted dating sites.

You might choose to sign up on sites that focus on finding Christian singles, Muslim singles, or Asian singles just to give a few examples. People who are open to dating anyone are better off using general dating sites.

Even general dating services do have certain differences. Some sites have more serious professional-type clientele, while others are more fun-oriented.

Should you sign up with a free or paid dating website? They both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using free dating services are 1) they are free and 2) well, they seem to end at #1.

Using paid sites usually allow you better privacy. The moderation for members is also stricter which lower the chances of getting spammed or scammed.

After you signed up to your chosen site, you have to fill your personal profile. This is where most people either get stymied or lazy, which has a negative effect on their ability to find love and romance on the internet. Answer all profile questions and be as clear and detailed as possible in your essay.

Posting clear crisp pictures of yourself are important. Most sites allow more than one personal profile picture, so show yourself in different aspects of your life.

Filling out your preference is also important to find potential partners who meet your criteria. Some websites even have some kind of alerts. You can set so that you will get emails if the sites find people who match your criteria. Don't be too strict on this though, as you can eliminate very many good potential mates.

Start contacting people who interest you. You also will get contacts from other people. It is crucial that you do not give out personal information until sure that you're ready, and only do so in bits. It is also recommended that you use the dating site to keep in touch until you feel safer to take it off site.

You should be on guard for scammers. These people will ask for money, claiming to have fallen ill in some foreign country or something similar. Some scammers request that you receive some things they send you or on their behalf. Do not trust these requests. The items they send might be illegal goods.

Always use your instinct when engaging in conversation with strangers. Do not hesitate to report scammers or spammers who violate terms and conditions of the site. You can find love and romance online. It simply takes the right attitude and doing a few things right.

Your choice of dating service is crucial to your success in finding love online. Now see top 10 dating sites of various interests compared side to side. David Kamau writes articles and dating site reviews.

From Dating Debacles to Lifetime Love - The Key Issue - Commitment

How do we get it right? Romantic love. Most of the time we don't buy what we first try--by this I mean we get something different to that we try. In other words, the person we fell in love changes or we do (or probably both).

And even still if we invest via dating and find we don't entirely like them, what's the recourse?--it's better often to continue than turn back for home, or so our logic often dictates.

We think it's safe to do this. We can 'put up with' those "idiosyncrasies" of theirs, surely. It's equally safe to assume that none of us gets it completely--or even partly--right. This explains the high percentage of failed partnerships and marriages, cheating etc.

But at some point we must realise that being happy--in a selfish sort of way--is only part of the deal. The whole deal, of course, is accepting that a good partnership is not really about ourselves alone--it's about the two-person team. Understanding this is one thing; living it is another thing altogether.

Recently I was intrigued to listen to a talkback radio show on cheating. Three separate "cheaters" called in as invited by the broadcaster and gave quite unique accounts for "why" they cheated--what it proved to me was that all romantic relationships have a finite "life" unless we seek life beyond that life. We, of course, know that romantic love spikes early and companionate love finishes the course.

Back to dating: I feel that if you're dating you're destined to not get it right--not that this inference should depress you. From the long-term viewpoint, the perfect--or even eighty percent perfect--date doesn't exist. It's impossible to get a partner who's so aligned with us personally, yet holds our love in tension.

When we find that our relationships remind us sadly of a time when we or they were different, livelier or lovelier--'long ago; someone else ago'--we must recall that somehow our expectations of love were/are askew.

We must choose to re-adjust and re-affix our expectations of love--and "them" too. No wonder love is so hard!

But, to be left with hopelessness is entirely inappropriate. The fact is many thousands of couples choose to sacrifice much of themselves to have a happy and successful marriage--and what's more, they achieve it. They are not put off by change; they sweep with change and commit wholeheartedly to their partner--it's their whole ideal and identity wrapped up in them.

Dating is a debacle but lifetime love needn't be.

c 2010 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/.

2012年8月28日 星期二

Succeeding In Online Dating

Online dating is becoming very popular. Where as one used to look around for a prospective date through friends, one can now search for one online. Online dating offers different challenges and once you learn the art of online dating, you can get dream dates. Before you proceed further to read about success in online dating, note that facts given by people on online dating sites can be misleading. Verify the credentials and then enjoy your dating, because online dating offers a great variety of candidates.

Let us begin with your profile. Have you uploaded a smiling picture of yourself? A picture that truly represents who you are? Never upload a picture of yourself with another person. Let it be only yours and such that creates a positive impact. In your profile, have you mentioned all your positive qualities? Does your profile make you look like a desirable date? Without any lies, try to make your profile as attractive as possible.

What about writing mails to prospective dating partners? Do you copy paste a common mail and send to many at a time, or pay attention to each mail and try to make it as individual as possible. Bring some charm in your mails, so that the recipient feels that you are a genuine person looking forward to meet him/her. Mass mailing fails, because it always gives itself away.

Women, when you are dating for the first time, don't give your home address or telephone number. Take your own vehicle and find out before hand where you will be meeting. Try to meet at a public place and avoid wearing very attractive outfits. Limit your conversation to basics and find out more about your male date. With little precaution, online dating can be a big success.

Men, try to make your lady date as comfortable as possible. Don't act in any way that can give her different ideas. Let her feel that you are a thorough gentleman and she has nothing to worry from you. She will slowly open up. Remember that God has given us the instinct of protection. Don't over do any thing during your first date so that the lady may feel uncomfortable. Slow and steady will win the race.

CD Mohatta writes for ecards and online greetings, screensavers and desktop wallpapers. The topics of his writings include love, inspiration, holidays, birthdays, nature, religion and spirituality, success etc. You can have his writings on your desktop with free desktop wallpapers. These are static wallpapers which can be your computer desktop background all the time. Read the messages and get inspired all day. Also try out some of the free ecards at ecarduniverse.com. You will find lovely video animated ecards in all topics like expressions, celebrations, family, friends and many more. The third site in which he writes are love ecards at cupidecards.com. Here, you can send love notes to your beloved and grow your love for each together.

Who Doesn't Want to Find Love?

The bar and club scene

Anyone who has ever been out to the bar and club scene knows that is nothing more than a meat market. If you are looking to find love in this kind of setting, well good luck. It seems as if all the pretty people are lined up waiting to be picked. The women really have the upper hand in this venue and they know it. You will see many a lonely guy desperately staring after a contender for Body of the Century, knowing he has no chance at all to find love with that particular dream. The same is said for women visiting a club or a bar. Only the good looking, hot chicks get the guys, and usually pickings are pretty slim in the first place. A bar or a club is good for a quick hook-up or just to meet, dance and hangout with friends. It shouldn't be thought of as a serious arena to find love.

Classes, clubs and speed dating

Joining a class or a specialty club for something that interests you may seem a great way to find love. The only problem with this is once you join the class or club and see the people in it, if none interest you, there will not be a whole new class or group to choose from the next time you meet. You may learn something new or have fun interacting with people who share your interests, but you probably won't find love this way.

Speed dating is a whole new monster. You sit and talk to someone for a very short period of time, usually 2-5 minutes, and it is thought you can find love in this way. It doesn't seem possible, does it? How can you know if you like a person after speaking with them for so little time? How do you know if you would have spent a little more time with someone you may have formed an entirely different opinion about them?

Online dating in the new century

Online dating is becoming popular as well as successful in matching up people who are trying to find love. There are many dating websites that offer profiles of many different types of people who are looking to have fun, get to know new people and some are even looking for a life mate. You can find any number of dating websites that will suit your needs; whether you are looking for a quick fling or a serious romance that may evolve into a life long partnership; you have the best chance to get your love life off the ground when you search for a date or a mate online.

Login to Find Love now as we care about your needs and requirements when looking for people to have relationships with online. When you log on you will find a wide variety of profiles of people just like you, looking for love.

Deal Breakers and Deal Makers in Dating

Have you ever wondered about deal breakers and deal makers in dating? Have you ever been left wondering why that promising first date didn't lead to a second date? What did you do to break the deal? What do you need to do to seal the deal and make a guy commit? The following examples will show you the difference between deal breakers and deal makers in dating - read them carefully!

First Date Jitters

The first date is often the hardest one, especially if you're really attracted to the guy. You spend so much time changing your hair and clothes that you leave him waiting for you for ages. Finally, you make your appearance, all flustered and out of breath. If that sounds like you - beware! You haven't blown it yet, but you're close.

First Date Confidence

Let's look at the deal maker's approach to that first date. She already knows what she's going to wear and how she's going to fix her hair. When the guy arrives, she greets him at the door with a confident smile. She's ready to go out and have a good time. Before they even step out of the door, she's already nearly sealed a second date deal.

It's All About Me

You're out on a date and the guy is a little bit quiet and reserved. This makes you nervous, so you start talking. You tell him about your friends. You complain about your ex-boyfriend. You talk about work. Before you've even arrived at your destination, he's summed you up as a self-centered bore and the deal is broken.

It's All About Us

Draw the guy out by asking him questions about his life and his interests. Find the button that gets him to open up and talk. Show him that you're interested. When you find something to talk about that turns you both on, then the sparks will fly and you've just made a deal.

The Difference

Do you see the difference between deal breakers and deal makers in dating? Which girl are you? Are you the poised and confident girl who takes control and makes a guy fall in love? Are you the nervous girl who never gets a second phone call?

Now that you know about the first date deal breakers, it's time to move on to the heavy stuff. Do your love life a favor and find out how to attract men into your life and wrap them around your little finger. It's easier than you think if you know what to do!

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today (Offer Ends Soon):* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月27日 星期一

Finding Love Through Dating Sites

Dating is no longer what it was in the past. And by past, this does not mean a century ago - no - even comparing the present day dating scene with what it was 20 years ago can demonstrate how much society has changed. There are a lot of reasons for this with the main being the ever evolving human culture and the realities of day to day living. Life has become very hectic and people increasingly have less time than they would have had before to go for many and long dates so as to get to know someone. Add to that the innate wall that many people build around themselves after being in one-too-many unsuccessful relationships and you can see that the dating scene is not for the fainthearted. And if ordinary dating is difficult, then it can be intimidating for the single mum.

But two things that the single mum needs to familiarize with and equip themselves for if they are to find true love today are dating sites (websites that is) and speed dating events. There are a number of principles that the single mum must adhere to when venturing into dating sites and speed dating meetings.

Self acceptance

There is a direction correlation between people being attracted to you and how you perceive yourself. If you keep putting yourself down and telling everyone around you what a loser you think you have become, then people you interact with will treat you with the same contempt. Take good care of your dressing, your skin and your hair as these are visual signs of how well you accept yourself. Walk with confidence even when feelings of sadness or fear within you would tempt you to do otherwise. During speed dating, these first impressions play a major role in determining whether there will be a second date or not.

Positive mind-set

You may have heard of or known people that have had a bad experience on a dating site. But be careful not to pass judgment on all dating sites and all the people genuinely looking for love on these websites. As long as you undertake the necessary due diligence before you join a particular dating site or getting in touch with some one that you think matches the qualities you are looking for, you should be fine. Keep a positive attitude that there is someone out there that will not mind that you already have one or more children from a previous relationship and that they will love you and your kids just as you are.

Be warm and welcoming

This does not however mean that you smile even when someone is being rude to you. Be friendly but firm with the people you meet. In this way you will gain respect and still be approachable. Learn to initiate and keep conversations going as this will instantly draw people to you and make you stand out during a speed dating event. Make eye contact with the man that you find attractive. If you find smiling or making eye contact too much for you, try practicing with the people around you before you go on a date.

Dating Sites provide many avenues to meet people within your age group. There is Speed Dating and Dinner Club services that will suit most ages. So if you are trying to meet a that new person in your life you should give it a try.

Dinner Dates At Home: An Awesome Way To Show Your Love

Do you love dinner dates, but you're sick and tired of spending top dollar for food that is less than healthy? Do you wish there was a way to save money and enjoy yourself more at the same time? Do you want to learn how to impress your man and learn how to make better food you'll both love? One of the best ways to accomplish all these things is by setting up dinner dates at home. These dates can involve just you and your sweetie, or you can invite your best friends over for unforgettable food and a great time. You can even have special dinner dates that involve your kids and their friends!

If the two of you are just getting started with dating, then wait until you've established some degree of trust before you start having dinner dates at home. Go to restaurants first, and stick to public places, until you are comfortable with your new guy. Having a few dinner parties at home with your friends is a good way to introduce your new dating partner, and see how everyone gets along. You'll quickly find out if he's a keeper!

Before You Get Started

Before you start planning your at home dinner dates, there are just a couple things to keep in mind.

• Plan your menu before you go shopping. Don't be overly ambitious - if you are still learning how to cook, be sure that what you want to make is something you can accomplish.

• Awesome food doesn't have to be expensive! If you are on a tight budget, think about how to make simple food look more elegant and impressive. Be creative!

• Be sure to plan your presentation: Do you need candles, wine, and flowers? Remember to add them to your shopping list.

Surprise Your Guy With Dinner Dates at Home

Can you imagine the look on his face when he walks in the door, thinking he is supposed to take you to dinner, only to find that you've prepared it ahead of time? While restaurants can be fun every now and then, your man will truly appreciate the effort you've taken to show him a good time without his having to spend lots of money.

• Find out what his favorite foods are. You can do this in a sneaky way - if you don't know him very well, just put it into the conversation. Talk about your own favorites, and he is sure to start talking about the foods he loves.

• If you don't know how to make his favorites, order them ahead and present them to him at home. He is sure to be impressed and appreciative!

• Make the entire scene appealing. That means getting a babysitter for the kids, or putting them to bed, and sending your dog off to the dog sitter or putting him up in his kennel. If the two of you are married, then you're likely to know what turns him on - go ahead and get started over dinner! This is something you just can't accomplish in most restaurants.

Dinner dates at home are a perfect way to get to know someone better, or to show someone you've been with for years a special touch of love. You're sure to have fun, learn new cooking skills, and save money, too!

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月26日 星期日

A Lasting Love - Can a Happy Celebrity Couple Teach Us How to Bullet Proof a Marriage?

Many couples stop dating once your honeymoon is over, and this may be a big reason that half of first marriages fail and up to 70 percent of second and third marriages end up in divorce court. You mistakenly believe that your vows of faithfulness, children or cozy couple routines will bulletproof your marriage against extramarital threats.

These beliefs can make you feel blindsided by a betrayal or breakup. If you want to avoid that fate, then pay attention to the following wake up call and your smart Love Tips from a celebrity couple.

Your wake up call to action:

Be aware that if you stop dating your mate after a couple years or decades of marriage, then you may have a replacement waiting in the wings, ready and eager to take your place. I call this replacement your relationship understudy.

How do you identify your relationship understudy?

* This person spends more time with your mate than you do, often during work or in the pursuit of hobbies and interests you don't share.

* Your relationship understudy hopes you take your mate for granted, so they can give them the appreciation they deserve.

* Your relationship understudy may be so sly that your mate may not even be aware of the motives and methods your understudy uses to win their affection.

* Your relationship understudy makes your mate feel better and more alive in their presence than in yours. They know this powerful attraction is hard for your mate to resist for long.

How can you disarm their power over your mate?

Start dating your mate again. A weekly date night with your mate can be the kryptonite that saps the power and appeal from your relationship understudy.


Once each week, you and your mate will see each other with your heart, overlook flaws, focus on each others strengths, plan an activity you both enjoy and use a little romance to spark some mutual excitement and appreciation.

This attitude for your date night is how your relationship understudy sees and treats your mate. Will you rise to the challenge?

What if you can't afford a date night in these tough economic times?

Do you know the high cost of divorce?

Do you know the health risks and heartbreak of betrayal?

Do you know the toll your break up takes on you and everyone who loves you?

How can you afford not to plan a weekly date night?

Planning weekly affordable date nights is an essential part of your relationship care program--the same way your wholesome diet and exercise is an essential part of your personal health care program.

You might say this is affordable health care reform for you and your relationship.

What if you still believe your relationship is immune from extramarital threats?

The threat of infidelity is as real in your house as it is in the White House. We observed daily news reports of the fallout of infidelity in the Clinton White House. We can only guess how their marriage survived this, since the former first couple haven't shared the secrets of how they repaired and rebuilt their relationship.

Fortunately, we now have a First Couple in the White House who seem to know the secrets of a happy marriage, and they share their smart Love Tips in media interviews.

Why do we criticize the Obamas for enjoying regular date nights and for being the biggest supporter in each others lives?

Why don't we celebrate their relationship success?

Why don't we use their savvy relationship secrets to improve our marriage?

If you'd like to bulletproof your relationship, I invite you to set aside your political beliefs and find out what can you learn about love and marriage from our President and First Lady.

The Obamas show us by example how to handle relentless demands and duties while creating the kind of marriage many of us imagine in our dreams.

Notice their date night tradition, their close bonds with family and friends, their commitment to each other and what they want to accomplish as a couple, and their tender expression of mutual affection and appreciation.

These are attitudes and actions every couple can use to create a healthy relationship with lasting love.

You'll get smart love tips in Hadley Finch's articles, podcast show and novel, TRIBE OF BLONDES, when you visit http://tribeofblondes.com

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Get the Man You Want - Do's and Don'ts on the First Date

Do you really want to get the man you want? Are you going out on a date with a guy for the first time? Do you think you can make him want you? You have to admit, first dates can be tough. However, single ladies must be able to surpass the first date in order to end their lives as singles. Having the first date is full of pressure and can be compared to job interviews. It makes your stomach flip and makes you sweat profusely. In short, first dates ca make you nervous. You do things to make a good impression after all your date does have high hopes and expectations to bring to the table. Here's a list on some do's and don'ts on a first date.

Do #1 Always be yourself.

Oftentimes, a woman is too preoccupied on making a good first impression to the extent that they pretend to be someone they're not. Guys love men who act naturally. Don't let your insecurities get to you because you will have the tendency to pretend to be someone you're not.

Do # 2 Let loose and have fun.

Enjoy your date and stop worrying. You need to let loose and enjoy. You wouldn't enjoy your date if all you do is worry and think of things to impress him. Show to him that you know how to have fun but don't show him your wild side. That's just too much on a first date.

Do #3 Wear something nice.

Don't wear something too short or too long. You have to remember to that you have to dress appropriately. If your date wants to take you out for a movie, it's not appropriate for you to wear some shiny skimpy dress, right? You can wear a casual dress, put on some flats instead of high-heeled shoes.

Here's a list of things not to do.

Don't # 1 Don't talk too much about yourself.

Your date may think that you love yourself too much. You've been clamming up completely that you haven't even given your guy to talk about his life. Yes, he wants to hear what you do for a living but it doesn't mean that you have to tell him what you do every single hour of your work. A brief description is enough for him. Also, don't brag that you love shopping and spending money. You would totally freak him out.

Don't # 2 Don't order a salad.

Guys love it when you chow down too. He doesn't like a girl who starves herself to death. Order some pasta instead of salads if you don't want to eat something heavy.

Don't # 3 Don't try something new.

If you haven't had a Brazilian wax, now's not the good time to do it. Don't get a tan from the tanning salon either if it's your first time. It's not a good day to try it. It's good to groom yourself but you could have done it days ago.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Find A Date In My Area - The Do's And Don'ts Of Local Dating

Are you ready to start dating after a divorce or bad breakup? Do you have a history of bad dating experiences? Have you found yourself wondering, "Where can I find a date in my area?" The internet has made it possible for you to meet people that are thousands of miles away. However, these long distant dating situations can be extremely difficult. Additionally, busy lives make it seem nearly impossible to find anyone worth dating. If you are wanting to find a date in your area, there are some things that can help you to improve your chances of finding a love worth your time.

Places to avoid

If I wanted to find a date in my area, there are some places that I would definitely avoid. Bars and clubs are two places that I would never go to find a date in my area. Singles at the bars and clubs are very rarely looking for a long term commitment. Most of the time, they are simply there to have a good time. This can often lead to a one night stand situation. Occasionally, you can find a short term relationship at a bar or club. Once in a blue moon does someone find a long term relationship in a bar or club. Additionally, bars and clubs are a cesspool full of men and women who claim to be single when they are anything but.

Another place that I would avoid trying to find a date in my area would be at work. Workplace romances can have the potential for success. However, more times than not, they end in utter disaster. Once the relationship goes sour, you are left with an angry, bitter, and resentful ex that you have to work with every day. This has caused a countless number of issues within the workplace. This is exactly why more and more companies are starting to prohibit workplace romances. The only way that I would attempt a workplace romance is if I had known the person extremely well for a long period of time. But in most cases, I would not try to find a date in my area at work.

Online dating

Online dating has become extremely popular. Our busy lives along with just not knowing where to meet people are two of the biggest reasons for its success. Additionally, dating online can save you a lot of hassle when it comes to weeding out people that just aren't right for you. You can find out before you even meet someone whether or not they have romantic potential. If I wanted to find a date in my area, this would be one of my first choices.

Other options

If I wanted to find a date in my area, besides online dating, there are some other options that I would exercise as well. Volunteering somewhere that interests me would help me to find others that have caring hearts that really want to make a difference. Additionally, we would both be interested in working towards the same cause.

Social functions can be a great place to meet people. Concerts, church, conferences, and neighborhood gatherings are just a few of the possibilities. Once again, if you are both attending the same function, chances are, you will have something in common already.

Don't be afraid to let fate step in

Not everyone believes in fate. However, many couples meet in the strangest locations, for the strangest reasons, and under the strangest circumstances. Probably one of my favorite ways to find a date in my area is to allow myself to keep an open mind. The guy that holds the door for you when you walk into a convenience store could be your perfect mate. Or, maybe the woman that you accidentally spilled your coffee on walking out of the coffee shop can't stop thinking about how polite it was that you ran back in and grabbed her napkins and offered to have her blouse dry-cleaned. Whether you believe in fate or not, finding a date in your area could be as simple as opening yourself up to the possibilities around you.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月25日 星期六

Date Rich Guys - How to Get the Attention of the Wealthy Guys

Do you always dream of dating wealthy men? Have you ever imagined being on a posh restaurant and in a date with a rich guy? Is it not wonderful to date rich guys? Women will surely envy you to see you date rich guys. Do you really want to date the wealthy men? Read on to know how.

A man will not be a complete man if he shows no power. Even in the old days, men with power are the ones who are wealthy. Until today men who are well-off are the ones who hold the highest positions both in private and public organizations. Being with a powerful man means a woman will be powerful too.

In today's society women are getting more open minded and more aggressive. Women must not be timid anymore. Today, women get what they want including a chance to date rich guys. There are several ways to date the wealthy guys. The first thing you need is to know how to meet them.

The Internet

There are many dating sites available in the internet and mostly men are for dates. Dating sites are the easiest way to meet wealthy men. Dating sites have clients that can pay for their services and that means these clients are rich. There is nothing to do but register on these sites. After registering, everything is up to you on how you will convince them to date you.

Be Visible Where the Rich Men Hangout

To date rich guys you have to be visible and be seen by them. So where do you find these wealthy and powerful men? Simple, go to places where the rich and famous hangout. It is not necessary to go shopping on posh malls. You do not have to spend but you can just do window shopping.

However, be sure you dress well and look confident. You will be more noticeable if you show confidence. Look sophisticated but you do not have to spend a lot to make yourself look like the rich. Mimic the way wealthy women move and walk and you will be noticeable. Rich men love women who show confidence and independence.

Get a Job on Golf and Country Clubs

Golf is the sport of the wealthy personalities. You do not need to be a member of this country clubs for membership would cost you a fortune. One good idea is to get a job in these golf and country clubs, even a part time job will do. It is the easiest and smartest way to get involved with the rich and powerful.

Rich men love to flirt around and if you would become a familiar face to them you will get noticed. Getting noticed will be your ticket to date rich guys. Get involved, stop being timid and talk to these well-off guys like you were really closed. Befriend them and for sure they will have interest towards you.

Finding rich men is not really that difficult. All it takes is the knowledge on where to find them and how to act and dress to get noticed.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:*
Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Question to Ask on a Date - Questions to Get Ready For

Are you back in the dating scene again? Do you think your dating skills have gone rusty? Do you think that you need some polishing when it comes to conversing with your date? Dating can be intimidating. Conversing plays the major role in the date. If you say the wrong things during the date, you end up losing the second date. Here's what you ought to do. Relax and enjoy your date. Always be true to yourself. Don't lie on a first date. Also, don't brag too much. He may think that you're too much for him. Also, please refrain from cursing. You're trying to sell yourself. Just like a commercial, it has to be pleasing and eye-catching. A soldier always brings a gun during a battle. Like a soldier, you also need to come in prepared. It's wise if you preparer your answers to common date questions. You can answer any question he asks you. Here are common questions to ask on a date.

Question to ask on a date #1 What are you looking for in a relationship?

This is a thought-provoking question that you need to make your answer right. Please don't say that you want to get married. You're still on your first date and you are already talking about marriage. If you say that, expect your date to be gone if he tells you he's going to the bathroom. This can be provoking but at least your date will know if both of you are on the same wavelength.

Question to ask on a date #2 What do you do for fun?

Don't try to impress him with saying that you love shooting some hoops. There's a tendency that he will think that you're just one of the guys. You can tell him that you're into something adventurous and extreme if you're into that. He will see you as a fun-loving person. What is more is that he will like you for not being stiff. You have to be able to show him that you do know how to have fun. You can also ask the same question to him. That way, you'll know if both of your interests are common.

Question to ask on a date #3 What happened to your last relationship?

This can be a very intriguing question that obviously, he also wants to know. Here's what you should do. Tell him a brief statement as to what happened. Tell him you and your ex-boyfriend broke up because your relationship wasn't working out. Don't dwell too much on this question. Don't say something negative and positive about your ex. Remain neutral. This will make him think that you are open again for another relationship. This will also make him think that you're not hung up with your ex.

Question #4 What are you looking for in a guy?

This question is usually paired with the first question. This is one question that will reveal your romantic side. Please don't blurt out that you a want a guy who has a sports car, a bachelor's pad and such. Don't you think that you're kind of materialistic? When he asked that question, he meant to ask what qualities you are looking for in a guy and not what he has. Tell him the qualities that you want in a guy. If you're into the guy you're dating, you can describe the qualities you see in him. This will make him confident and more interested in you knowing that he has those qualities.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

How to Find True Love - Stop Dreaming of Him and Find Him Today

Do you dream of finding your true love? Would you willingly go to any lengths to find your soul-mate? Do you know he's out there, but don't know how to find him? The search for true love has inspired people since the dawn of time and stories of star-crossed lovers abound in literature and film. The reason that these stories of great lovers such as Romeo and Juliet are so popular is because every human being years to find his or her soul-mate. If you are one of those who are still searching for how to find your true love, read on. You cannot afford to waste another minute without learning these tips to find the one!

Think outside the box

When it comes to dating we are often creatures of habits. But true love can be virtually anywhere and it may not come to us in the package or place where we most expect it. Branch out from your typical dating 'pool'. For example, if you are stuck hanging out with the same people all of the time, thus the new guys you usually meet are friends of friends, and you may try getting outside of that circle. Go to the places where single people tend to gather and make some new friends.

Also, if you typically date the same kind of guy over and over again, try branching out and giving a chance to a guy whom you might not at first see as your 'type'. What do you have to lose? If you always pick your 'type' and still haven't found true love then you may not know your 'type' as well as you think you do! Sure, it's great to have someone that you share a lot of interests with. But your true love just might be someone whose tastes are totally different from yours, but whose morals and ethics fit you perfectly.

Be modern

The rules of dating sure have changed drastically over the past two decades. There are various new methods which you can utilize to meet men. For instance, one place that you can search to find your true love is online. The massive popularity of the internet has led to the creation of many legitimate online dating services.

Speed dating is another more modern way of meeting new men. The dates usually only last a few minutes, so you don't have to worry about being stuck with a droll guy you can't get rid of all night. To keep yourself from feeling too much pressure, practice some things to say to your dates. Try to spice up a standard getting-to-know you piece of information in a way that will make you memorable.

Have High Standards

Ok, let's be honest girls, you may be single right now, but you know that any night of the week you could go out there and snag a man. The point is to snag a good man, and that takes more time and effort. Don't settle for Mr. Right-Now, because you'll just be wasting your time. Keep your standards high when looking for true love. You know what is most important to you in a guy so don't compromise your standards for someone who is not up to par. If you keep trying you will eventually find your true love and all of your searching will pay off.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that ninety percent of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月24日 星期五

Do These Simple Things to Make Him Fall in Love With You

Are you crazy about a guy and want to know how to make him fall in love with you? Are you tired of being ignored? Does it frustrate you to see women who are not as smart or pretty as you get the men that they want? Many women face these same issues and are desperately trying to win over the men of their dreams. If you are one of these women, then read on to learn about the simple things that you can do to make him fall in love with you.

1) Be inventive

When the two of you are together, try to introduce him to fun and exciting things that he doesn't usually do. Don't take him out of his comfort zone because he's not going to like that, but do try to be inventive when it comes to your dates. If he has a good time, he will associate those happy feelings with you.

2) Try a mini-date

Instead of going on one long date or a dinner and a movie date that lasts all evening, try going on several "mini-dates." A mini-date can be a walk in the park, a jaunt for ice cream, or even just a cup of coffee at a shop that's close to both of you. These mini-dates are non-threatening and you can generally fit them in on a daily basis. A guy might feel pressured to go out with you every single night on a big date, but with a mini-date that pressure is off because they still have time for their friends and whatever it is they want to do. Experiencing a lot of different things together, too, will create the illusion that he has known you longer than he actually has.

3) Be absent

Don't always be on call for him. Make yourself unavailable from time to time. Let him have time to miss you. This way, he will appreciate the time that you spend together even more.

It's fairly simple to get a guy's attention, but holding it is a different matter all together. By following these three simple tips, you will soon be on your way to making him fall in love with you.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that ninety percent of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Dating Tips for Women - 4 Basic Dating Rules to Attract Your Date

Are you not getting a call from your date? Do you think you screwed up on your date? Do you want your next date to be perfect? Are you looking for effective dating tips for women? Dating tips are important if this is your first time to go out on a date and/or if you want your next date to be successful. You have to start with the basics. So what will your focus be? How can you make a good impression?

Preparing yourself before going out on a date takes an hour or two. You have to make sure you look great so you can easily attract your date. But if you have been reading dating tips for women, you know for a fact that your physical appearance is not the only thing that you need to prepare for. If you want a perfect date and if you want this guy to call you after this evening, you need to learn the basics of dating.

Your first date doesn't have to be very embarrassing. Here are some of the basic rules when it comes to dating. Follow these rules and experience a perfect date.

Tip #1: Pay Attention to Your Looks

No matter how much your income is, make sure to always look at your best. There are a lot of inexpensive dresses you can buy. You don't need to wear branded dress or expensive perfumes. You don't have to wear expensive perfumes either. All you need is a dress that will perfectly show your curves, a sweet perfume, a pair of earrings, a necklace, and a comfortable pair of shoes. Knowing how to carry yourself in this outfit is also a must.

Tip #2: Be Wise in Making Conversation

It's normal to be very excited and shy on your first date. But to make sure that your date will not be bored, you have to open a small talk. Although it's very important to get to know each other, it's not necessary to give him all the information about yourself. Keep the information you don't necessarily have to divulge; doing this will make him want to know you more. Thus, you will hear from him as soon as you get home.

Tip #3: Don't be Too Available

One of the effective dating tips for women is to keep your man waiting. If he is very interested, he will definitely ask you out before the evening ends or the first time he calls you. Don't be too available. If he's free on Saturday, for instance, then say you're free on Wednesday.

Tip #4: Don't Sleep with Him Just Yet

Never sleep with a man on your first date especially if you know that he is interested in you. Let him chase you and make him fall in love. Sleep with him only if you're sure that he has deeply fallen in love with you.

These dating tips for women work not only for dating newbies, but also to other women who are tired of being rejected. If you like the guy in the other table, you can approach him and use what you've learned to attract him.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月23日 星期四

Choosing A Date Venue - 4 Tips To Consider For Your First Date

Did you meet a girl that makes you heart beat fast? Do you want to get to know her better? Have you invited her for a date? The first date is usually the most pressuring because you have no idea about what to expect and what you should prepare. Of course, you want the date to turn out successfully. Here are a number of things you should consider when choosing a venue for the first date.

Choosing A Venue For The First Date Tip #1 Choose A Fun And Casual Venue

While a formal dinner date seems like a good idea, this might not be the best choice because you will be required to dress up. At the date, it's very likely that the focus will be more on looking good and maintaining good ethics rather than having fun. This could only add tension to the already tense situation. Choose a venue where you can wear casual clothes and just be yourself. Also, when choosing a venue, choose the one where those awkward moments will be minimal. Venues such as amusement parks, sports events, and picnics are great for first dates. A date can also be as simple as going for a walk. This might sound boring for some especially among the young ones out there, but as long as you choose a great location, a walk can be simple, yet memorable date. Choose places where there are breathtaking views. If you are going to opt for this, make sure you are ready to strike a good conversation.

Choosing A Venue For The First Date Tip #2 Stay In Public Places

You should be sensitive when choosing a venue for the first date. Don't give your date the wrong impression by bringing her to a place where there are very little to no people. This is the first date and you do want to scare her by doing that. Stay in places that are public so your date will feel safe. Outdoor venues are a good choice so your date will feel less claustrophobic. These will also allow you and your date to be casual as possible. By doing this, your date will feel comfortable and safe with you. This is a good way to make her fall in love with you.

Choosing A Venue For The First Date Tip #3 Consider Going Out On A Group Date

If you and your date have a couple of mutual friends, consider inviting them for a group date. It will be less stressful both for you when there are some friends around. Be careful who you invite though as you might invite a rival without realizing it. A group date will make the moment memorable especially if you or one in your group has a knack for making everyone feel at ease.

Dating can be a nerve-wrecking situation especially if it is the first one. The key here is to be a little imaginative and thoughtful. Follow these tips when choosing a venue for the first date and you will be glad when your dating partner wants to see you again after that. Good luck!

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

First Date Disaster - 6 Disastrous Mistakes To Avoid When Meeting A Man For The First Time

Have you ever experienced a first date disaster that was bad enough that there was no second date? Do you wonder what things can trigger a disastrous first date? Do you find yourself walking on eggshells trying to avoid saying or doing the wrong things? If you're worried that a first date with you is a first date disaster just waiting to happen, here's what to be wary of.

#1 - Worrying

For starters, if you worry every time a new guy asks you out, you're asking for trouble. You need to relax and enjoy yourself and once you know what has been creating problems for you in the past, you'll know how to avoid them in the future. Wouldn't it be nice if a first date disaster became a first date dream come true? Play your cards right and it can happen for you too.

It's hard to know what to talk about on a first date because you don't really know each other very well. So maybe your strategy should be to avoid certain topics. And if you think about it, avoiding topics like this makes a lot of sense.

#2 - Telling Him Your Dating History

Your dating history- Not only is it rude and potentially embarrassing to talk about guys you've dated and things you've done on a date, it can make your date feel like he has something to live up to or stay away from. It's like trying to navigate your way through a landmine. There is never a good ending to something like this and if you've done it in the past, then you shouldn't be surprised when he didn't call you again.

#3 - Badmouthing Your Ex

This one is right up there with discussing your dating history. No guy wants to hear all kinds of talk either good or bad, about a former boyfriend. If you're talking about your ex, then you're sure not thinking about the guy you're on a date with.

#4 - Talking About Commitment

Talking about serious relationships or settling down is never a good topic of conversation for a first date. Save it for a later time if you are still dating. If you start talking commitment on a first date, you're likely to scare him off.

#5 - Jumping To Conclusions

Just because he's asked you out, don't assume that he thinks you're going to be joined at the hip from now on. Give a guy a chance to get to know your likes and dislikes before you plan his wardrobe and the rest of his life.

#6 - Monopolizing The Conversation

It's okay to talk about yourself, but just remember that it takes two to have a conversation. One is only a monologue. If you show no interest in him except as someone to listen to what you're saying, you're giving him the distinct impression that you think you're a lot more important than he is.

First dates shouldn't be stressful. After all, they're meant to be fun. Now that you know what topics of conversation to avoid, you can avoid that first date disaster.

Want to take a quick "love test" to see how high your love IQ is? Then I have just the thing for you!

To read more about how to make a man love you, click Signs He Wants You. You'll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.

Evangeline Harris is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.

You Can Make Him Fall in Love, If You Follow a Few Rules

Have you been dating a guy and it feels like you're head over heels for him and he hasn't even hinted at being in love with you? Do you know that he really, really likes you, but can't figure out why he's not in love with you yet? Do you want to make him fall in love, but don't know how? Sometimes, it can seem like guys take so much longer to fall in love than women and it can feel so frustrating. Often, women wonder if their guy will ever fall in love and when he finally does, it feels like it took forever. Many men are slow to fall in love, because for a long time, love doesn't occur to them like it does women.

It's no wonder that you feel like you're waiting forever for him to fall in love with you. Guys are so confused when it comes to dating that they really have no idea when they are allowed to fall in love with a woman. So, it's no surprise that lots of ladies find themselves waiting for what seems like forever for their guy to commit.

Not so long ago, men found it easy to fall in love because they knew what was expected of them. The whole dating game was up to them and women just naturally followed their lead, but now, women take the initiative on all aspects of life, so it's no surprise that they would take the lead when it comes to dating.

When it comes to making him fall in love, however, things can be a little different. One of the best ways to make him fall in love is to keep dating fun. When you keep the dates light and enjoyable, you will likely find that he keeps coming back for more because he likes being with you. When he enjoys your company, he will keep coming back for more. This is the first step in making him fall in love with you.

Another way to make him fall in love with you is let him know what you're looking for in a relationship and then let it go. He knows the ultimate goal and it will always be there. By not pressuring him, you are showing him that you trust his pace and you're not in a huge rush. There will be plenty of time for rushing later. For now, though, take it easy and enjoy the relationship ride. By stepping back and just enjoying being with him, you are allowing him to realize that he is in love with you and that will add up to a much more fulfilling and committed relationship.

The last and most important step to making him fall in love with you is to always look desirable. Even if it's the first thing in the morning, you should make efforts to be as attractive as possible. By looking your best every time he sees you, your guy will be reminded why he finds you attractive and that is a huge step in making him fall in love with you. Add this to gentle touches and a good time, without sleeping with him too soon and he'll fall in love with you in no time.

Imagine what if you could make any man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you? Click Unforgettable Woman Advice and learn 77 Secrets that ninety percent of women have never heard. You have got to see this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月22日 星期三

5 Simple Steps to Find Love on the Internet

One of the most often asked questions around the dating circles is, can you really find love on the internet? The answer is a resounding yes, but it is not as simple. There are a few things that you need to do right and some mistakes to avoid.

When it comes to finding love, most people seem to surrender their dream to fate. Of course this can be traced all the way back to our childhood "happily ever after" fairy tale days. Romantic fiction books, TV shows and movies have helped imprint this expectation in our minds.

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, at least not to most of us mere mortals. To find love, we have to look for it.

Now, here are a few points on how to find love on the internet:

1. Start within: First and foremost, you should accept without a shred of doubt that you do want to meet someone for a relationship. To be precise, you must be relationship-ready. There are people out there who sign up with a dating site, post a profile and then forget about it. It takes more than that. Be prepared to go through with it.

2. The right dating site: If you're seeking love, the presumption is that you want a long-term relationship, even marriage. There are thousands if not millions of dating sites out there; some good, some bad, and some downright ugly. Since you want to find love on the internet, your path should lead toward the major matchmaking sites. Why? Well, if you're serious, you should go to where serious people go. And that means paid dating sites. Nothing says "serious" than a person willing to pay a small fee to find love.

3. Post a good photo: Personal profiles with a photo get several times more responses than those without. You want to increase your chances of getting found, hopefully by the right person. Your picture should be a headshot showing you as you look like today. Most dating sites now allow several pictures. Try to post some pictures that give potential mates a glimpse of your personality or interest (out on a camping trip, for example).

4. Create a good username: Also known as your screen name, handle or stem among other terms, you username should be interesting, unique and concise. A Descriptive username will help give a hint of who you are as well as attract the person seeking someone like you. Never use your real name as your username.

5. Post a good profile: Your profile is what will make or break your chances of finding love on the internet. Do not attempt to write this right there on the dating site. Write on a word document you use (Word, Word Perfect, or Word Pad etc) and save it. All you have to do now is copy and paste. You can use this on multiple sites if you have more than one membership; all you have to do is modify it to fit that site. How to write a good dating profile is a whole article on its own.

Want to find love online? Now find the best matchmaking dating services and start meeting compatible singles today. David Kamau writes articles and dating service reviews at his website and blog.

Kissing on the First Date: How to Make Your Date Unforgettable

Has your man of affection invited you out on a date for the first time? Are you excited and anxious on how your first date will be? Are you already thinking about kissing on the first date?

Going out on a romantic date with your special someone can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. With first date comes the kissing part and it can sometimes make you feel anxious. If you are debating with the idea of allowing kissing on the first date or not, then you must think it over carefully. When you are confused and undecided it might turn your dream date into a disastrous one.

Once you have finally decided about being open to kissing on the first date, you can now apply the following tips.

1. Look great - If you want the kissing on the first date moments to happen, you have to make sure that you look attractive to your date. If you look simply irresistible on your first date, you partner will surely not let your date end without giving you the anticipated sweet kiss.

2. Don't be too obvious - If you have been anticipating that unforgettable kissing on the first date scenarios, then it's normal to be excited. However you should not look as if you are just interested in kissing your partner. When you do not even compliment him on his efforts of making the place romantic, your partner might feel that you are not really interested in him. The thing that you would not want to happen on your first date is sending the wrong message.

3. Stay cool - Sometimes women say that they are the only one too anxious when going on a date but the truth is that it is even worse on men. You also have to consider that your guy might be too anxious that he might ruin the special moment. So you should try to make him comfortable. When he finds himself at ease he will start sending you the message and start making sweet gestures.

4. Give him the signal at the right moment - When both of you are comfortable and ready for the kiss, you can give him the look of permission. This will give your partner the courage to make a move and give you the kiss that you have been waiting for. When the kiss is given at the perfect moment, everything will go naturally. You will both share the same sweet memory from your kissing first dates experience.

5. Feel the special moment - When your guy starts kissing you, refrain from thinking if you are doing it right or not. Shut your mind from doubts and worries and just feel each moment. Just go with the flow and kiss your man back passionately. It's not about how good you are, it's more about the feelings you share on that special moment.

Kissing your partner on your first date will go perfectly and you will both enjoy the date as long as you allow yourself to express your feelings without going beyond your limitation. First dates should be the moment that you would love to reminisce later on and not something that you will regret.

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

Get Your FREE Report When You Visit Today:* Love Triggers Revealed *

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

2012年8月21日 星期二

Find Your Valentine With Dating Services

If the thought of Valentines Day fills you with dread, why not consider dating services this year to improve your chances of meeting your ultimate love match? The online dating sphere has far progressed beyond the limited and somewhat embarrassing way of meeting people that it once was, and with constantly growing membership bases it has never been this easy to find the person of your dreams. Many singles find that they are simply too busy to waste time trying to meet eligible partners at clubs or bars, and it inevitably becomes challenging to meet the right sort of people.

This is where a dating agency comes in - you are able to create a profile and connect to prospective partners that are well suited to you in many ways, ensuring far more chance of a successful match. You will be able to take full control over who you wish to date, and as all applicants are carefully screened, you can also rest easy in the knowledge that you will only be meeting the most eligible singles who have similar tastes, goals and values. This alone is one of the biggest reasons that a dating service such as corporate matchmaking is so successful - you are matched with partners who share your interests and passions, ensuring the cupid has an extra chance at creating a match made in heaven this Valentines Day.

Getting started is very simple; you simply need to visit a reputable and high quality dating site and register for an account. Your account will be screened before being accepted if it meets basic requirements, and then you will be able to create a profile. Always ensure that you use a recent and flattering photograph of yourself, nothing too posed or out of date however as you want to create a real impression rather than present yourself as anything more or less than who you are. Be descriptive in your profile and share the most important information areas, however leave out any negative aspects and keep it fun and light hearted. Once you have completed your profile, you are almost on your way to find love and dating happiness.

The next step is waiting to see who likes your profile. Of course if you are a lady who prefers to make the first move, you can approach a prospective man that you think may be interesting to talk to, otherwise you can decide to see who approaches you before making any moves. Once email contact has been made, you can then decide whether you wish to go on a date with the person you have met online. Always follow basic safety precautions, and choose a casual coffee date somewhere central in the day time as a first date option. There are a number of fun day time venue options for dating in Pretoria and Johannesburg, so with a little bit of research and initiative you will have no trouble finding the right location for your first meeting.

You may not meet your dream partner on the first date; however after a few dates with different prospective partners you will find yourself drawn to someone special. Many couples have found lasting love through dating clubs, and this Valentines Day, why not let it be your chance to fall head over heels in love.

Rox Bradnick offers advice for singles seeking the ultimate dating services to ensure success for dating in Gauteng.