Are you trying to win the love of a special man, but you're not having much luck at it? Do you always fall into the same pattern of meeting a cute guy then quickly ruining whatever chances you have with him by doing something wrong? Are you quick to form visions of a happy ever after before you even have a first word with him? Love doesn't come at the snap of your fingers. Read on to find out where you can start the love process and really turn it into something long lasting.
If you're on the hunt for a man because you feel empty, because you're life if going nowhere or because you have an agenda to fill, your head is in the wrong place to begin with. Fill your life with what makes you a complete woman and discover who you really are before you try to include someone else in your life.
Sure once you're in a couple there is always room for growth and additional discovery, but if you jump into a relationship with little going on in your life, you're apt to cling to his life. This can work out for a little while, but over time he'll long to have time to himself and will come to lack respect for you as you sit by and do nothing of your own.
Bring a wide array of interesting aspects to a date. He wants to meet someone he'll have a good time with, someone who will make him laugh, think and enjoy life even more. Try to think of him as a friend those first few dates and keep the fun factor high while you try to leave your expectations of a romance behind.
Guys often get overwhelmed by a woman's need to have her dates read like a romance novel. They feel that incredible pressure to live up to some literary hero that, quite frankly, few guys can live up to. Cut him some slack and let him relax and enjoy his time with you.
These dates aren't just about your need to be wooed, but his need to feel like a man when he's with you. The better he feels about being with you, the more that emotional bond will grow and strengthen. Without even realizing it he'll start to love your presence in his life and therefore love you.
To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.
This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.